Image Cache Size Saver - darklinkpower/PlayniteExtensionsCollection GitHub Wiki


This extension will save a considerable amount of space by processing the images in you Playnite's cache. This cache can use many GBs of space depending on your installation size, being the main culprit animated images that get automatically downloaded for your game's description. This extension will process all your images and only save their first frame to considerably reduce image sizes, and also process all other images in the cache. There won't be any difference to the user after using the extension's function.

Only images that have less size after being processed will overwrite your current images to provide the best savings in your cache and the list of processed images will be saved to not try to process them again when the extension is run afterwards.

The extension uses ImageMagick to do the image processing and it's required to download it in any location. ImageMagick can be downloaded here (See the "Windows Binary Release" section):


  1. Open the extensions submenu and select the "Image Cache Size Saver - Process Images in Cache" function.
  2. In the first time usage, you'll be asked to select the ImageMagick executable if you are not using the installed version. This is only required once since the location will be saved for subsequent uses.

After all the images have been processed you will be presented with the results.


Example of images in cache that take a lot of space: