The Dumb Monker Suite - dansa/FFXIV-Trigg GitHub Wiki
The Dumb Monker Suite
Download/Installation link:
Table of Contents
The Dumb Monker suite is a small set of "combo rings" to help executing the monk rotation. It was mainly made to have an easier glance of Leaden Fist being up or not, but will also display if Twin Snakes and Demolish needs to be refreshed.
Preview/Demonstration can be seen here:
โThe way I've built my triggers requires them to manually be initialized, this is either done by swapping into the job the trigger is for (Monk in this case) or by entering a command into chat.
/e !gomnk
- Initializes the suite.
An image should display on your screen when it loaded up properly, unless you deleted the splash action then well.. It will load anyway.
- Once the suite has been initialized, it will work through any instance swaps, deaths and whatnot. But if you exit ACT for any reason you have to "restart" the suite.
โ First off, if you are clueless on how to install triggers on Triggernometry, please reference this guide - Link (the XML link for this trigger is on the top of this page.)
If you have followed this setup and things somehow still doesn't work, or you have any other questions/suggestions. Feel free to dm me on discord at dansa#5509 or @ me in the Triggernometry questions channel.
All the setup is in the "- Setup" trigger inside the "- Main -" Folder.
1 - Moving the rings
- Adjust the X and Y position of the proc indicators to their corresponding action on your hotbar.
- Open up the "Activate image aura (bootcombo/dkcombo/etc..)" actions and adjust one by one
- Use the "Use visual guide for placement" button for easy positioning,
- Basically you move the image and right click & Save changes.
- Tweak the X/Y pixel values to get more precice.
- Remember you can use the "Test Action" button to see exactly where it will be and how it will look.
- Tweak the Width/Height values if necessary. For a 110% size hotbar and 48x48 seems perfect, but you might use something else.
2 - Optional, Changing the rings
You can hange the links in the variables if you want to use different image combo indicators.
("Set scalar variable (combogifcolor).." & "Set scalar variable (combogif)..")
I have the following color options uploaded and ready if you want to use them
Orange -
Red -
Blue -
Green -
* Should you have any color requests I can probably make and upload other ones,
my discord is dansa#5509 and you can reach me for any suggestions/help
If you prefer to keep the images on your local drive over loading from the interwebs, it will work fine to use a local "link", such as
C:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced Combat Tracker\Triggers\ComboGIFgreen.gif
Otherwise keep those variables as is.
Note that online images get cached on your disk so there's no real benefit to a local image unless you can't access github for some reason.
3 - Optional, disable splash image
If you don't like the little splash image that shows up when the suite is initialized, delete/uncheck the actions starting with
- Activate image aura (SupaLoada)..
- After (5000)ms, deactivate..
In the Setup trigger.
That's all, have fun and lets hope nothing breaks along the way.
If you have followed this setup and things somehow still doesn't work, or you have any other questions/suggestions. Feel free to dm me on discord at dansa#5509 or @ me in the Triggernometry questions channel.