PCB Manufacture with JLCPCB - danielmcmillan/irrigation-system GitHub Wiki

  1. Generate BOM from Eeschema

    • Choose any format (only intermediate xml file is used).
    • Xml file is written to the project folder.
  2. Generate Footprint Position Files from Pcbnew (Fabrication Outputs -> Component Placements)

    • Set Output directory to "out".
    • Format: CSV, Units: Millimeters, Files: Single file for board.
    • *-all-pos.csv file is written to the out folder.
  3. Generate gerber files (Fabrication Outputs -> Gerbers)

  4. Generate drill files.

    • Choose Use alternate drill mode as the Oval Holes Drill Mode.
    • Drill Origin: Absolute, Drill Units: millimeters, Zeros Format: Decimal format.
    • Click both "Generate Drill File" and "Generate Map File".
    • _.drl and _.gbr files are written to the out folder.
  5. Run script from https://github.com/matthewlai/JLCKicadTools.

    • These lines need adding to the "jlc_kicad_tools/cpl_rotations_db.csv" file:
    • Install: python3 setup.py install --user
    • Run in the KiCad project directory: jlc-kicad-tools . -o ./out
    • __bom_jlc.csv and __cpl_jlc.csv files are written to the out folder.
  6. Archive contents of out folder into a zip file.

  7. Order from jlcpcb.

    • Upload the zip file when asked for gerber files.
    • Upload the *_bom_jlc.csv file when asked for BOM file.
    • Upload the *_cpl_jlc.csv file when asked for CPL file (not the all-pos.csv).