iptraf ng - daniel-qa/Network GitHub Wiki

iptraf-ng iptraf-ng是观察网络流速的强力工具,它可以让你的观察逐步深入,从硬件层(网卡),到网络层(IPv4,IPv6),到传输层(TCP,UDP etc.),一直到每一对socket pair。


sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install iptraf-ng



iptraf-ng [options]:

-h, --help  :show this help message
-i   :start the IP traffic monitor (use '-i all' for all interfaces)
-d   :start the detailed statistics facility on an interface
-s   :start the TCP and UDP monitor on an interface
-z   :shows the packet size counts on an interface
-l   :start the LAN station monitor (use '-l all' for all LAN interfaces)
-g           :start the general interface statistics
-B           :run in background (use only with one of the above parameters
-f           :clear all locks and counters
-t        :run only for the specified  number of minutes
-L  :specifies an alternate log file


sudo iptraf-ng -s eth0 用于统计各port的流量 :