URLRequest - daneden/Twift GitHub Wiki

Extensions on URLRequest



Easy to use method to sign a URLRequest which includes url-form parameters with OAuth. The request needs a valid URL with all query parameters etc. included. After calling this method the HTTP header fields:​ "Authorization", "Content-Type" and "Content-Length" should not be overwritten.

mutating func oAuthSign(method: String, urlFormParameters paras: [String: String],
                          consumerCredentials cc: OAuthHelper.Credentials, userCredentials uc: OAuthHelper.Credentials? = nil)


  • method: HTTP Method
  • paras: url-form parameters
  • consumerCredentials: consumer credentials
  • userCredentials: user credentials (nil if this is a request without user association)


Easy to use method to sign a URLRequest which includes plain body data with OAuth. The request needs a valid URL with all query parameters etc. included. After calling this method the HTTP header fields:​ "Authorization", "Content-Type" and "Content-Length" should not be overwritten.

mutating func oAuthSign(method: String, body: Data? = nil, contentType: String? = nil,
                          consumerCredentials cc: OAuthHelper.Credentials, userCredentials uc: OAuthHelper.Credentials? = nil)


  • method: HTTP Method
  • body: HTTP request body (default: nil)
  • contentType: HTTP header "Content-Type" entry (default: nil)
  • consumerCredentials: consumer credentials
  • userCredentials: user credentials (nil if this is a request without user association)