3.3 Editing Templates - dandeliondino/tile_bit_tools GitHub Wiki

Edit a template

  1. Select tiles
    • Even if you are not planning to edit them, at least one normal (non-alternative) tile must be selected to open TileBitTools
  2. Select template
    • Filter by "Type: User" to see templates available to edit.
  3. Click the Edit button (top-right of the template preview image)
  4. Make changes in the Edit Terrain Template dialog
    • Name
    • Description
    • Custom tags
    • Save folder - this cannot be changed from within TileBitTools
    • Saved terrain data cannot be edited inside of TileBitTools. You can use the advanced techniques below to edit the files manually. But it may be easier to simply apply the template to tiles, make edits, then save as a new user template. The old template can then be deleted.
  5. Press Save

Delete a template

  1. Select tiles
  2. Select template
  3. Click the Delete button (top-right of the template preview image)

Advanced edits

  • User templates can be moved from one user folder to another manually in the file system.
  • If templates are located in the main project folder, can open and edit them in the sidebar like any other resource.
  • Terrain templates are plain-text Resource files (see: Warning Regarding Resource Files). You can open them in any text editor to make small changes or find-replace.
  • If you are making complex changes, you may want to extend TemplateBitData, the Resource script. It inherits BitData, which contains some helpful iterators and terrain bit manipulation functions.

After making any changes outside of Godot, go to Project Settings -> Plugins and toggle TileBitTools off and on again to reload the templates.