3.2 Saving Templates - dandeliondino/tile_bit_tools GitHub Wiki

If you are saving a significant amount of data in your templates, please make sure they are in a folder that is backed up and/or in a version control system. There are rare cases of template data being deleted on editor startup.

  1. Select tiles
  2. Expand the Save Terrain Template section and press Save Template
  3. Enter information in the Save Terrain Template dialog
    • Statistics/Preview
      • You may see one more terrain here than you expect. If there were any empty bits in your selected tiles, the template generator will have assigned them to an additional terrain.
        • When applying the template, you can leave the extra terrain blank and TileBitTools will leave those bits empty.
        • You can also use this feature as a shortcut: skip assigning a second (or third) terrain when you originally paint your terrain, save the tiles as a user template, then apply the template and assign a terrain to the formerly unassigned bits.
    • Name
    • Description - Optional.
    • Custom Tags - comma-separated text that will allow filtering; spaces in tag names are ok.
    • Save Folder (see: Warning Regarding Resource Files)
      • Project Templates Folder: Templates saved here will only be available for this project.
      • Shared Templates Folder: Templates saved here will be available for any other projects on this computer that have TileBitTools installed
      • User Templates Folder: This option will only appear if there is a directory specified in Project Settings -> Addons -> TileBitTools. This is intended for users who want templates in a specific location, such as a subfolder of the main project or in a git repository.
  4. Press Save.
    • If "Show User Messages" is enabled in Project Settings -> Addons -> TileBitTools, you will see a confirmation in the output log that includes the save path.
    • The template should immediately be available in the Template drop-down. Any custom tags will appear in Select Tag to Filter...
    • All user templates are automatically assigned a user tag. Filter by "Type: User" to see only your own custom templates in the Template drop-down.