3.1 Applying Templates - dandeliondino/tile_bit_tools GitHub Wiki

  1. Select tiles
  2. Expand the Apply Terrain Template section and choose a template
    • Press Select Tag to Filter... to narrow the choices
    • Built-in templates all have detailed descriptions. Click the > button to expand the text.
    • Built-in templates also come with examples you can use for experimenting or as guides for arranging tiles in an image editor. Click the Examples button (top-right of the template preview image) to open the folder for that template. Examples in v1.0 are all adapted from Kenney's Pixel Shmup (CC0).
  3. Assign terrains
    • As you assign terrains, you will see a preview generate.
    • To place tiles on a empty background, leave the terrain that doesn't include the center bits empty (this is usually the last one listed).
    • Missing terrains? Only terrain sets and terrains that match the template's terrain mode will be available to choose. You can choose a different template, or create a new terrain set with the correct mode.
  4. Click Apply Changes (no undo)
    • This cannot be undone. But TileBitTools makes clearing and reassigning terrain bits fast and easy. Back up, but do not hesitate to experiment.