User Documentation - damoclark/ GitHub Wiki

It is assumed that the application is being hosted by the local machine therefore the web address used in this documentation will be localhost, please replace this web address to suit your environment.

Index: /index.html (http://localhost/)

When you navigate to the homepage you will be presented by three buttons; "New", "Join", "Results".

Android users will see a fourth button `Scan QR Code` which can be used to open the default QR Code scanning application

Creating a new session: /New (http://localhost/New)

Fill in the form fields to set initial session settings. Available settings are:

  • Individual
    • Session name
    • Max Players (leave blank or set to 0 for unlimited)
  • Team
    • Session name
    • Teams (any number more than 1)
    • Max players per team (leave blank or set to 0 for unlimited)
    • Team leader selection
      • Random
      • Player Choice
    • Team name selection
      • Auto, editable by team leader
      • Auto (generated by system)
      • Manual (host specified)
    • Team selection
      • Smallest Team
      • Player Choice

Select Create to create the game. If popups are enabled in your browser, then a share window (/Share) and manage page (/Manage) will appear.

Host Management Interface: /Manage (http://localhost/Manage)

The management interface is used by the host to control the game state. The host can perform the following actions:

  • Enable / Disable contestant buzzers
  • Accept / Reject contestant buzzer presses
  • Reset game state*
  • End Session
  • View up to date scores
  • View current game settings
  • Edit current game settings
    • Max players and max players per team can only be increased after a session has been created.

The management interface actions buttons are disabled and re-enabled depending on the session state.

*this feature currently works in the same manner as reject however in the future it may be used to disable a user for one round, or reset the buzzers without a penalty for any users.

Joining a session: /Join (http://localhost/Join)

There are four ways to join a session:

1.    Scan the QR code on the result page (/Share) from your phone or tablet.

2.    Type the unique join URL that’s presented on the result page (/Share)

3.    Navigate to /Join, type the 6-digit session id. (session id is converted to capitals automatically)

4. Use the Email session link button to send the join URL via your default email client

Once you have navigated to the join page you simply enter a username that you would like to use and press Join


If the username is taken an alert box will indicate an error.

If the session settings specify that players choose a team, then every user is prompted to select a team from a drop down menu.

If the session settings specify that players choose the team leader, then the first connected user is prompted to be promoted to team leader. If they select no then the next user is prompted etc..

After accepting the team leader role you may also be asked to set a new team name (this setting is specified by the host in the Create Session interface)

Contestant Interface: /Contestant (http://localhost/Contestant)

The contestant interface provides the following actions:

  • Buzzer
  • Participant / Team information
  • Session Information

The contestant interface buzzer is disabled and re-enabled depending on the session state.

Performing a buzzer press when the buzzer is disabled will display a warning alert on the screen.

Results Interface: /Share (http://localhost/Share)

The results interface provides the following features:

  • Participant / team information
  • Session information
  • Join session information

Alerts, Warnings and Errors

Error: Server Disconnected

Cause: Server offline or restarted

Notes: This type of failure usually results in the session data being cleared. A new session will need to be setup and contestants would need to rejoin. It is usually followed by the Session data not found alert.

Error: Session not found

Cause: Server does not contain the specified sessionId

Notes: This message is displayed if there is a stale cookie in the browser or the server has been restarted and all session data has been cleared. A new session will need to be setup and contestants would need to rejoin.

Error: Session data not found

Cause: Client does not contain a session cookie

Notes: This message is displayed if there isn't a valid cookie in the browser or the server has been restarted and all session data has been cleared. A new session will need to be setup and contestants would need to rejoin.

Error: Username taken

Cause: Session already has a user that has joined with the specified username

Notes: Choose a new username

Error: Profanity

Cause: String contains profanity

Notes: This message is displayed if profanity is detected in the username, team name or session name. Choose another name to continue.

            <a href="" target="BuzzerWebAppImage"><img src="" /></a>
            <p>Error: Buzzer not accepted</p>
            <p>Cause: Buzzer press was not accepted</p>
            <p>Notes: This message indicates that the server is not accepting any buzzer presses. This indicates that the
                buzzer has either been pressed multiple times, or is disabled due to the game state.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️