Battery: Renault Kangoo - dalathegreat/Battery-Emulator GitHub Wiki

[!CAUTION] Working with high voltage is dangerous. Always follow local laws and regulations regarding high voltage work. If you are unsure about the rules in your country, consult a licensed electrician for more information.

FAQ: Renault Kangoo Battery

Renault Zoe support is still being developed. The Kangoo shares a fair share of CAN data with the Renault Zoe and Renault Fluence

Variants of the Kangoo

There are 2x batteries available for the Kangoo:

  • 22kWh 2011-2016
    • Can be used with the RENAULT_KANGOO_BATTERY setting
  • 33kWh 2017-2021
    • Can be used with Zoe Gen1 software setting! RENAULT_ZOE_GEN1_BATTERY

Physical size;

  • Weight 295 kg (22kWh)
  • Weight 260 kg (33kWh)
  • Dimensions 1214 x 802 x 290mm

The 33kWh pack doesn't have a negative contactor, the only way to isolate it is to pull the service disconnect. In the contactor box there's a current sensor, pre-charge resistor, pre-charge relay, main contactor and a 275a 1000V fuse. The main contactor is 150a rated.

Part numbers for Renault Kangoo batteries

Product Purchase Link
Battery communication connector, Yazaki 7282-8854-30 AliExpress
High voltage connector 80kW 297A6-5SH1A OR 297A22581R Ebay

There are 2 external Low voltage Connectors for the 33kWh battery pack

Grey Yazaki x

Pin Internal Wire Function
1 Black 12v BMS supply via 10a fuse
6 Yellow Can High
7 White 12v Contactor supply via 15a fuse
12 Blue Can Low

Black Yazaki 7283-8854-30

Pin Internal Wire Function
1 Black Ground
3 Green Main Contactor (ground to close)
5 Blue Pre-charge relay (ground to close)

The 22kWh pack pinout (black connector)

Pin Internal Wire Function
1 Red fused +12V permanent to BMS
3,4,5 Black electrical earth
6 White Can High
7 Violet fused +12V to pwer relays
8 Orange Power relay 1 - positiv (ground to close)
9 Green Power relay 2 - negativ (ground to close)
10 Brown Precharge relay (ground to close)
12 Violet Can Low
6 Violet and 12 White are twisted together (CAN bus)