Use Cases - daisy/ace-gui GitHub Wiki

This page intends to gather use cases for a GUI app for Ace. The app can possibly integrate Readium 2 (to inspect accessibility issues directly in a reading system), and SMART (to allow seamless integration of Ace and SMART).

Please add use cases below.

  • The evaluator needs to be able to flag issues that are not errors so that they are not reported each time they validate, as this will slow down the evaluation process and lead to mistakes.
  • The evaluator doesn't want to spend time hunting for the location of errors. They need to be able to click on an error and immediately be taken to the issue.
  • The evaluator needs to view the underlying markup without having to go back to the source epub, as there may not be any problems with the content they are reviewing. It should be easy to open the dev tools view to inspect the markup at their current location.
  • The evaluator doesn't want to spend time looking up all the manual checks while verifying the content, but wants to be able to click on an element and view a list of relevant checks.
  • The evaluator wants to review a preview of the publication, where the content presenting accessibility issues is highlighted (with underline, or border, or background). Hovering or navigating to the content allows to access the details of the accessibilty issues.
  • The evaluator needs to save an in-progress report, including Ace’s results
  • The evaluator needs a way to see all in-progress and completed reports without having to open each publication.
  • The evaluator wants to delete/sort/organize in-progress and completed reports, to clean her workspace
  • The evaluator wants to publish the final report directly to an ftp location without saving out the html and manually loading it. Should support transfers/saved connections.
  • The evaluator wants to be able to log in using their preferred email/social media account instead of having to remember another login.
  • Optionally, run epubcheck first
  • If running with SMART plugin/option: Insert SMART metadata into source files and rebuild book
  • Export any/all reports
  • As Ace grows to report on all checks rather than just violations, the GUI should support viewing markup for all checks. This way, a user could see where they did things the right way.
  • Integrated text editor (note: Atom is written in electron so it could be a good candidate)
  • Integrated KB
  • A 3rd party certifier or Q&A department marks the regions inside a publication with errors, add helpful notes either inline or through annotations and share the same with the production team.
  • The evaluator wants to select the rules that will be checked with Ace, to disable some irrelevant rules and enable some experimental rules.