Work with tables and fields - d365collaborative/ GitHub Wiki
So you are working with troubleshooting or maybe extending Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations.
- You might have a TableId and want to know what table(name) is behind that id.
- You might have a table(name) and want to know what TableId is behind that table name.
- You might have a TableId and FieldId and want to know what hides behind different ids.
- You might have a table(name) and want to know what fields are part of the table.
- You might have part of a field(name) and want to search all tables for a matching field.
Look no further!
We assume:
- That you already did run the
Install-Modele -Name
on the machine / server you will be using for this. - That you will be running this from a Tier 1 machine /environment or one the AOS machines / Servers in the Tier 2 environment.
- Start PowerShell (Start Menu - type powershell and click enter when you see the icon marked)
- Run
You want to search for CustTable, either by TableId or TableName
Get-D365Table -Id 10347
You only have the TableId: 10347 on your hands and your memory doesn't seem to remember that this is actually CustTable
Get-D365Table -Name CustTable
You only have the "CustTable" on your hands and your memory doesn't seem to remember that this is actually TableId: 10347
You want to see all fields for CustTable, either by TableId or TableName
Get-D365TableField -TableId 10347
Get-D365TableField -TableId 10347 -IncludeTableDetails | Format-Table
You only have the TableId: 10347 on your hands and you can't remember all fields that is part of that table
Get-D365TableField -TableName CustTable
Get-D365TableField -TableName CustTable -IncludeTableDetails | Format-Table
You only have the "CustTable" on your hands and you can't remember all fields that is part of that table
You want to see a specific field for CustTable, either by TableId or TableName, and either by FieldId or FieldName
Get-D365TableField -TableId 10347 -FieldId 175
Get-D365TableField -TableId 10347 -Name vatnum
You only have the TableId: 10347 on your hands and you can't the FieldId or FieldName for VATNUM
Get-D365TableField -TableName CustTable -FieldId 175
Get-D365TableField -TableName CustTable -Name vatnum
You only have the "CustTable" on your hands and you can't the FieldId or FieldName for VATNUM
You are ready to take your PowerShell skills to the next level
Get-D365Table -Name CustTable,CustTrans | Get-D365TableField -Name Accountnum -IncludeTableDetails | Format-Table
You want to search for a Column(name) / Field(name) across multiple known tables
Get-D365Table -Name CustTable,CustTrans | Get-D365TableField -IncludeTableDetails | Format-Table
You want to see all fields across multiple known tables
Get-D365TableField -Name AccountNum -SearchAcrossTables | Get-D365TableField -IncludeTableDetails | Format-Table
You want to search for a Column(name) / Field(name) across all tables and include the full details
Note: The first instance of Get-D365TableField finds all FieldIds with TableIds, and the second instance of Get-D365TableField is used to do the search again to have the TableName included in the result
Get-D365TableField -Name "Account*" -SearchAcrossTables | Format-List
You want to search for a Column(name) / Field(name) across all tables
Small teaser for the combination of Get-D365Table and Invoke-D365TableBrowser
Get-D365Table -Name CustTable,CustTrans | Invoke-D365TableBrowser -Company USMF
You want to start the table browser for both CustTable & CustTrans, against the USMF company