How To Start Stop List D365FO Services - d365collaborative/ GitHub Wiki

Start, Stop and List services

This how to will guide you on how to manage the different D365FO services on a machine.


  • Machine with D365FO installed
  • PowerShell 5.1
  • module installed
  • module loaded into a PowerShell session

Please visit the Install as an Administrator or the Install as a Non Administrator tutorials to learn how to install the tools.

Please visit the Import module tutorial to see the different ways you can load the d365fo.module into a PowerShell session.

List all available D365FO services

If you want to see the entire list of D365FO services and/or see their current running state, type the following command:

Get-D365Environment -All

Output while services are running


Output while services are stopped


Stop all D365FO services

If you want to stop all services on the machine, maybe you want to install an update or import a model, type the following command:

Stop-D365Environment -All


Start all D365FO services

If you want to start all services on the machine, type the following command:

Start-D365Environment -All


Restart all D365FO services

If you want to restart all services on the machine, maybe because you are having some issues with caching, type the following command:

Restart-D365Environment -All


Closing comments

In this how to we showed you how to use the module to manage the different D365FO specific services.