API Collocations - czcorpus/kontext GitHub Wiki

HTTP API / Collocations


  • URL: /collx
  • HTTP Method: GET

URL Query arguments

name description
q Concordance persistence ID (starts with the ~)
cattr A positional attribute to be used for collocation profile calculation
cfromw Left side of the analysis span window (use negative numbers here)
ctow Right side of the analysis span window (use positive numbers here)
cminfreq Minimum frequency of collocates within the whole corpus
cminbgr Minimum frequency of collocates found in the span cfromw...ctow
cbgrfns (multi-value) Measures to be calculated (see table below for concrete values)
csortfn A measure to be used for items sorting
citemsperpage Number of items per result page
collpage Result page (starting from 1)
format json

List of the supported measures:

ID name
t T-score
m (Pointwise) Mutual information
3 (Pointwise) Mutual information (the MI3 variant)
l log likelihood
s min. sensitivity
d log dice
p MI - log_f
r relative freq.


  • HTTP status: 200 OK (if without errors)
  • content type: application/json
name (path) description
Head[i].n a result table column label
Head[i].s a result table column code (matches measures codes for respective columns, otherwise it is empty)
Items[i].str a collocate token value (specified by the cattr arg.)
Items[i].freq an absolute freq. of a collocate
Items[i].Stats[i][0].s first selected measure value (see the cbgrfns arg.)
Items[i].Stats[i][N].s (N-1)th selected measure value (see the cbgrfns arg.)