cyWebMenuItem - cytoscape/cytoscape-web GitHub Wiki

Specifies how caller should create the menu that is part of Specification for Service based App in Cytoscape Web

"cyWebMenuItem": {
                  "root": string,
                  "path": [ { Object (MenuItemPath) } ]

The above example will put add a submenu "Example" under "Apps" menu if it doesn't exist, and then a menu item "Service" under "Example" submenu.

NOTE: Only Apps is a valid root menu at this time


Defines what root menu this service is under. Eventually supported values will be Layout | Analysis | Tools | Apps. When this value is missing, the menu item will be added under the Apps menu.


A list of MenuItemPaths that specifies the hierarchy of submenu and menu item for this service. Each object in the list has these attributes:

   "name": string,
   "gravity": int
  • name: Display name of the submenu or menu item.
  • gravity: Relative position of the menu item. Lower number means higher in the menu.