Multi Boxing - cyritegamestudios/trust GitHub Wiki


Trust supports automation for all 22 jobs, allowing you to easily multi-box 6 (or even more) characters with a single add-on. Get help or request a feature in the Cyrite Game Studios Discord.

Getting Started

One-time Setup

  1. Follow the instructions in Getting Started to download and install the latest version of Trust.
  2. Run the following commands on all of your characters:
  • // lua r trust to load Trust
  • // trust set IpcMode All (enables IPC)
  • (optional) // trust set AutoEnableMode Off (if you want Trust to start Off when loading the add-on)
  • // trust save (saves the settings above)

When loading Trust

  1. Run the following commands only on your main:
  • (optional) // trust follow me to make all nearby party members follow you
  • (optional) // trust assist me to make all nearby party members assist you
  • (optional) // trust sendall trust start to enable Trust on all characters


Below are commonly used multi-boxing commands (see Commands for all commands):

Command Action
// trust assist party_member_name Assists the specified party member, e.g. // trust assist Nibbler.
// trust assist me Makes all other players assist this player (IpcMode must be set to All or Receive on the receiver).
// trust follow me Makes all other players follow this player (IpcMode must be set to All or Receive on the receiver).
// trust follow stopall Stops following on all other players.
// trust follow party_member_name Follows the specified party member, e.g. // trust follow Nibbler.
// trust follow clear Stop following the party member currently being followed.
// trust follow distance Follows at the specified distance in yalms, e.g. // trust follow 6.
// trust sendall trust stop Sets Trust to Off on all other Trusts with IpcMode set to All or Receive.
// trust sendall trust start Sets Trust to On on all other Trusts with IpcMode set to All or Receive.
// trust sendall trust toggle Toggles Trust on all other Trusts with IpcMode set to All or Receive.
// trust sendall windower_command Executes any Commands on all IPC enabled players, e.g. // trust sendall trust set AutoEngageMode Auto (see IpcMode).

Migrating to Trust

If you are a multi-boxer, you are likely already using several add-ons and custom scripts for things like healing, following, singing, rolling, etc. Trust consolidates all of this functionality into a single addon-on, allowing you to use fewer add-ons. Below are the add-ons that you no longer need to use:

Add-on Trust replacement
EasyFarm See Trust.
FastFollow See Follower.
Singer See Singer.
Healbot, Cure Please See Healer, StatusRemover.
Rollbot, Roller See Roller.
AutoRA See Shooter.
AutoWS, autoSC See Skillchainer.
autoMB See Nuker, MagicBurster.
attackwithme See Attacker.
AutoPUP See Puppetmaster.


Below are some common multi-box scenarios and how to accomplish them with Trust:


Automatically assist a party member, engage and switch targets when the party member switches targets.

  1. // trust assist party_member_name
  2. // trust set AutoEngageMode Mirror (// trust sendall trust set AutoEngageMode Mirror to update for all Trusts)
  3. (optional) // trust save (to update the default value of AutoEngageMode in the settings file)

Combat Positioning

Automatically assist a party member, only approach when the party member approaches and stand where the party member is standing in battle. Use this in situations like Dynamis, Omen or Sheol C where you want to avoid running into a pack of mobs inadvertently.

  1. // trust assist party_member_name
  2. // trust set CombatMode Mirror (// trust sendall trust set CombatMode Mirror to update for all Trusts)
  3. (optional) // trust save (to update the default value of AutoEngageMode in the settings file)


It's highly recommended you read up on configuring your Trust with Profiles, Job Settings and Modes.