Modes - cyritegamestudios/trust GitHub Wiki
Modes can be used to customize a Trust's behavior. For example, AutoPullMode
controls whether the Trust should pull mobs and AutoMagicBurstMode
controls whether the Trust should magic burst.
How it works
There are two ways to change Modes, through the menu and through commands:
Most menus will have a Modes option that lets you configure Modes specific to that menu. You can view a list of all Modes in the menu under Settings → Modes. Press enter or click on a Mode to cycle between the values.
Begin typing // trust set
or // trust cycle
and autocomplete will show you a list of Modes that can be changed. See Commands for more details.
- AutoAftermathMode
- AutoAvoidAggroMode
- AutoBarspellMode
- AutoBuffMode
- AutoCampMode
- AutoClarionCallMode
- AutoCombatMode
- AutoDebuffMode
- AutoDetectAuraMode
- AutoDispelMode
- AutoEnableMode
- AutoFaceMobMode
- AutoFollowMode
- AutoFoodMode
- AutoGambitMode
- AutoHealMode
- AutoMagicBurstMode
- AutoNitroMode
- AutoNukeMode
- AutoPianissimoMode
- AutoPullMode
- AutoRaiseMode
- AutoRestoreManaMode
- AutoRollMode
- AutoShootMode
- AutoSilenceMode
- AutoSkillchainMode
- AutoSongMode
- AutoStatusRemovalMode
- AutoTankMode
- AutoTargetMode
- AutoTrustsMode
- CombatMode
- FlankMode
- IpcMode
- MagicBurstTargetMode
- SkillchainAssistantMode
- SkillchainDelayMode
- SkillchainPropertyMode