Debuffer - cyritegamestudios/trust GitHub Wiki


The Debuffer role can keep track of and apply debuffs to enemy mobs.


See AutoDebuffMode and AutoSilenceMode

How it works

A Debuffer applies the debuffs specified in the menu under Settings → Debuffs to the party's current target when AutoDebuffMode is set to Auto, and will automatically re-apply them when they wear off. Note that because the server gives the client no information about the target's current debuffs, a Debuffer must be in range of the target and actually see the chat log when the debuff wears off. A Debuffer cannot keep track of debuffs like Blue Magic that do not explicitly display messages in the chat log when they are applied. Chat filters and BattleMod may impede a Debuffer's ability to detect buffs.


When AutoSilenceMode is set to Auto, a Debuffer will automatically attempt to cast Silence on the target after it finishes casting a spell. If resisted, it will not try again until the next spell is cast.


Debuffs can be added, edited or removing using the menu under Settings → Debuffs.


  • BLM
  • BLU
  • BRD
  • BST
  • COR
  • DNC
  • DRG
  • DRK
  • GEO
  • MNK
  • NIN
  • PLD
  • PUP
  • RDM
  • RNG
  • RUN
  • SAM
  • SCH
  • SMN
  • THF
  • WAR
  • WHM

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