Commands - cyritegamestudios/trust GitHub Wiki


Add-on commands let you control the behavior of your Trusts.


A full list of commands can be found by opening the Commands menu (Control + Numpad+).




To quickly browse possibly commands, start typing // trust to show matching commands in the autocomplete widget. For example, if you type // trust mb you will see all magic burst related commands. To focus on the autocomplete widget, press Control + Up. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to scroll and press Enter to copy the command into the chat input.



See Multi-Boxing, Modes and Roles for more.

Windower Commands

Command Action
// trust start Enables Trust.
// trust stop Disables Trust. The Trust will stop performing actions.
// trust assist party_member_name Assists the specified party member, e.g. // trust assist Nibbler.
// trust assist me Makes all party members assist the player.
// trust follow party_member_name Follows the specified party member, e.g. // trust follow Nibbler.
// trust follow me Makes all party members follow the player.
// trust follow distance Follows at the specified distance in yalms, e.g. // trust follow 6.
// trust mount all Calls a mount on all party members.
// trust mount dismount all Dismounts all mounted party members.
// trust sendall windower_command Executes the specified command on all IPC enabled players, e.g. // trust sendall trust start (see IpcMode).
// trust send player_name windower_command Executes the command on a specified IPC enabled player, e.g. // trust send Nibbler trust start (see IpcMode).
// trust menu Opens the Menu (can also use the hotkey, numpad+ by default).
// trust cycle mode_name Cycles through possible values for a Mode, e.g. // trust cycle AutoManeuverMode
// trust set mode_name mode_value Sets a Mode to a specific value, e.g. // trust set AutoManeuverMode Auto.
// trust status Outputs a list of current Modes and their values.

Remote Commands

Remote commands are special types of commands that allow you to control another player's Trust. This allows you to do things like add yourself to the their party, even if they are AFK.


Before you are able to run remote commands on another player, they must first add you to their whitelist using the menu under Config → Remote → Add.


Windower Commands

To send a remote command, send the player a tell with one of the following commands.

Command Action
Any Trust command E.g. trust start, trust stop.
pcmd add, leader, kick, leave See /pcmd.
acmd add, leader, leave, kick, breakup See /acmd.
attack, attackoff See /attack, /attackoff.
jobability Uses a job ability, e.g. jobability "Berserk" <me>.
magic Uses a spell, e.g. magic "Cure IV" <me>.
warp Warps (requires Gearswap warp ring/cudgel shortcut).
refa, refa all Dismisses a player's trusts.

You can combine these commands to control another player's actions using Trust. For example, if you wanted to join a party, you would do:

  • /t Ashylarry trust stop
  • /t Ashylarry refa all
  • /t Ashylarry pcmd add Jerry (requires autojoin)
  • /t Ashylarry trust start