Bard - cyritegamestudios/trust GitHub Wiki


In addition to common Trust behavior, a Bard Trust also:


In order for a Bard Trust to work properly, you must have your GearSwap set up to correctly swap instruments when singing songs specified in the job settings file. In addition, ensure that your dummy songs are being sung in the lowest song duration gear possible. This ensures that dummy songs get overwritten first.

Option 1 (any GearSwap, Recommended)

In your GearSwap file, for each dummy song specified in your job settings, equip your extra song instrument. For example, when singing the dummy song Goddess's Hymnus, you would add sets.midcast["Goddess's Hymnus"] = {range='Daurdabla',ammo=empty} (or substitute Daurdabla for another instrument like Terpander if you do not have Daurdabla). It's recommended to do this for all dummy songs in case they get applied out of order.

Option 2 (Selendrile's GearSwap)

Fill out info.ExtraSongInstrument and info.ExtraSongs. For example, info.ExtraSongInstrument = Daurdabla and info.ExtraSongs = 2.


To override the default settings, use the menu.


