Install Virtual Box Software and import image - cyberbotics/AROSYS GitHub Wiki

Welcome to this section which presents the steps to install the Virtual Box software and how to import the SmartsoftMDSD Toolchain (v3.12) image.

1. Install Virtual Box software

Step 1: Install the Virtual Box software on debian-based systems

sudo apt-get install virtualbox virtualbox-dkms virtualbox-guest-additions-iso

Step 2: Download the virtual machine appliance (.ova file)

On this website (or see ref. #2), take the version v.3.12 called 20191205-SmartMDSD_Toolchain_3.12_VM_Ubuntu_16.04.ova. If not directly visible, search in the archived folder.

2. Importation the virtual machine appliance and configuration

Pre-requirement and information

  • System Requirements recommended (source)

    • recent version of Virtual Box > 5.0 (the one installed before is the version 5.2.32)
    • minimum of 8GB RAM for the host
    • about 20GB disc space
    • extend the VMs RAM or number of CPUs with reasonable values
    • (facultative and not tested) install the guest additions after launching the VM to enable copy&paste.
  • Virtual machine image system information:

    • user name = smartsoft
    • (sudo) password = smartsoft
  • Never update Ubuntu

    • If Software Updater from Ubuntu popup, always choose Remind Me Later

Step 1: Importation

  • Launch the Virtual Box software, then click on File > Import Appliance.
  • Select the folder icon, then find the .ova file downloaded above.
  • Click on Next>, then Import.
  • The virtual machine image (shortened VMi) is imported.

Step 2: Configuration [optional]

  • Select the VMi created in the Virtual Box software and click on Settings
  • In tab System under Motherboard, move the cursor of Base Memory on the right to be just before the warning message Invalid settings detected in the bottom part of the windows.
  • In tab System under Processor, move the cursor of Processor(s) on the right to be just before the warning message Invalid settings detected in the bottom part of the windows.
  • In tab Display under Screen, move the cursor of Video Memory completely on the right.
  • Validate the changes by clicking on OK button.

Step 3: Increase the Virtual Disk Size [optional]

  • In VirtualBox select File => Virtual Media Manager
  • Select the ...-SmartMDSD_Toolchain_... hard disk and increase its size to 40GB.

The settings are complete. Double-click on the VMi to start it.

3. Launch the Virtual Machine image

  • Double-click on the Virtual Machine image (VMi) in Virtual Box software to start it.
  • Close the internet page.
  • (Facultative) Change the keyboard entry settings using the icon DE on the top right of the Ubuntu desktop.
  • Launch SmartMDSD Toolchain v3.12.
  • Check the box Use this as the default and do not ask again, then click on Launch button.
  • If some repositories are missing, you can simply import them.
  • Close SmartMDSD Toolchain v3.12.

Next step: Install Webots and clone repository