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| < Set your own Reverse with custom key types | Abbreviated notation for custom key type's definitions || Branches Policy > |

Abbreviated notation for custom key type's definitions

  • Custom key type's definitions will reflect correctly if defined correctly, but there is an abbreviated notation to avoid writing the same definition over and over again.

1. Adopt defaults

  • The easiest way to omit it is to not list it. Default values are automatically applied.
  • However, only keyCtrlX needs to be specified.

Default value

Configuration name Description Default value
keyNameX Key type's name X
minWidthX Minimum width of target key type 600(px)
charaX Prefix of chart variable 1a,2a,3a, ...
colorX Arrow color group 0,0,0,... (all in the same group)
stepRtnX Angle/AA type 0,0,0,... (all in the same direction)
posX Step zone position 0,1,2,...
divX Fold position last number of posX+1,last number of posX+1
blankX Step zone spacing(X coordinate) 55(px)
scaleX Scale the arrow drawing area 1(1x)
shuffleX Shuffle group 0,0,0,... (all in the same group)
scrollX Extended scroll setting (no extended scroll setting)
assistX Assist key settings (no additional assist settings)
keyGroupX Specify where to assign partial key types 0,0,0,... (all in the same group)
keyGroupOrderX Control display order of subkey groups (display all groups)
transKeyX Set another key mode (no another key mode)
keyRetryX RetryKey BackSpace
keyTitleBackX Back to title key Delete

1-1. Partially unspecified

Custom-defined variables

  • All except keyCtrlX.


  • Use this variable to specify the default value for Pattern 2 only.
-> |pos7n=0,1,2,4,5,6,7$|

2. Diversion of another pattern

2-1. (key type's number)_(pattern number-1)

Custom-defined variables

  • All except keyNameX, minWidthX, appendX.

Substitution Patterns

  • Since all patterns are too many, we will focus on some of the 7key pattern 1.
    • keyCtrl: 7_0 -> S, D, F, Space, J, K, L
    • chara: 7_0 -> left, leftdia, down, up, rightdia, right

Usage 1: Quoting the same key pattern in its entirety

  • In different patterns where only the key configurations are changed, most of the settings are often the same.
  • The setting (target key type)_0 can be used in many places as a setting to divert the settings of pattern 1.
-> |chara9g=left,down,up,right,sleft,sdown,sup,sright,space$9g_0|

Usage 2: Adding a new setting by quoting a different key pattern

  • Since 10key is a key type with an additional space added to 9Akey, this is an example of quoting the settings of 9Akey as is.
  • When citing the definition of another key type, the key type must have been defined prior to the definition.
-> |chara10=9A_0,sspace|

-> |scroll10=Cross::9A_0,1/Split::9A_0,-1/Alternate::9A_0,-1|

Usage 3: Relative pattern reference when appending a key pattern

  • When |appendX=true| (overwrite existing key type) is used in the custom key type's specification, the first data of the custom pattern can be used by using 12_(0) in the number reference of the custom part.
  ----> Same as |color12=1,0,1,0,3,3,3,3,0,1,0,1$1,0,1,0,3,3,3,3,0,1,0,1|

  ----> Same as |stepRtn12=45,0,-45,-90,giko,onigiri,iyo,c,90,135,180,225$45,0,-45,-90,giko,onigiri,iyo,c,90,135,180,225|

  ----> Same as |blank12=50$50|

  ----> Same as |shuffle12=0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2$0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2|

  ----> Same as |scroll12=Cross::1,1,1,1,-,-,-,-,1,1,1,1/Split::1,1,1,1,1,1,-,-,-,-,-,-$Cross::1,1,1,1,-,-,-,-,1,1,1,1/Split::1,1,1,1,1,1,-,-,-,-,-,-|

2-2.(key type's name)_(pattern number-1)_(group number-1)

Custom-defined variables

  • colorX, shuffleX, stepRtnX


  • colorX, shuffleX, stepRtnX holds multiple groups, so use this specification when you want to explicitly quote the settings for group 1.
-> |stepRtn10=9A_0_0,onigiri|

2-3. (prefix)>(key type's name or partial key type's name)

Custom-defined variables

  • charaX

Substitution Patterns

Abbreviated name Actual deployment name
7_0 left,leftdia,down,up,rightdia,right
a>7_0 aleft,aleftdia,adown,aup,arightdia,aright
4A left,down,up,right
bt3>7_0 bt3left,bt3down,bt3up,bt3right

Usage 1

-> |chara9a=5_0,s>4A|

2-4. (partial key type's name)

Custom-defined variables

  • keyCtrlX, charaX, stepRtnX

Substitution Patterns

Configuration name Abbreviated name Actual deployment name
keyCtrlX 4A Left,Down,Up,Right
keyCtrlX 4S S,D,E/R,F
keyCtrlX 4J J,K,I/O,L
keyCtrlX 4W W,E,Digit3/Digit4,R
keyCtrlX 4U U,I,Digit8/Digit9,O
keyCtrlX 4W W,E,Digit3/Digit4,R
keyCtrlX 3S S,D,F
keyCtrlX 3J J,K,L
keyCtrlX 3W W,E,R
keyCtrlX 3Z Z,X,C
charaX 4A left,down,up,right
charaX 3S left,leftdia,down
charaX 3J up,rightdia,right
charaX 7 left,leftdia,down,space,up,rightdia,right
stepRtnX 4A 0,-90,90,180
stepRtnX 3S 0,-45,-90
stepRtnX 3J 90,135,180
stepRtnX 3Z giko,onigiri,iyo

Usage 1

  • Only charaX can be prefixed with (partial key type's name)_(prefix).
-> |chara9a=4A,space,s>4A|

Usage 2

  • This is an example of use with 18key.
-> |keyCtrl18=4W,Space,4A,3S,3Z,3J|


-> |stepRtn18=4A,onigiri,4A,3S,3Z,3J|

3. Omission of -1

Custom-defined variables

  • scrollX


-> |scroll18=Flat::1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-|

4. (Start number)... (End number)

  • Creates a sequence of numbers based on the starting and ending numbers. Decimals can be used for the starting number.
  • This function is mostly for posX, but it can be used in some other settings as well.

4-1. (Start number)... (End number)

Custom-defined variables

  • keyCtrlX, colorX, posX, shuffleX, keyGroupOrderX


-> |pos20=0...3,5...8,10...21|

4-2. (Start number)... (+Added number)

Custom-defined variables

  • keyCtrlX, colorX, posX, shuffleX, keyGroupOrderX


-> |pos20=0...3,5...8,10...13,14...21|
-> |pos20=0...+3,5...+3,10...+3,b0...+11|

5. (Target)@:(Number of iterations)

  • Can be used to repeat the same specification separated by commas. Cannot be used for repetition across key patterns (separated by $).

5-1. (Target)@:(Number of iterations)

Custom-defined variables

  • keyCtrlX, charaX, colorX, stepRtnX, posX, shuffleX, keyGroupX, keyGroupOrderX, scrollX, assistX

Usage 1

  • This is an example of repeating the same setup 9 times each.
-> |scroll18=Flat::1@:9,-@:9|

Usage 2

  • This is an example of repeating the same setting 6 or 3 times. keyGroupX and keyCtrlX are a little special in the setting, and the part including the slash is one set.
-> |keyGroup25=0/1@:6,0/2@:6,0/3@:3,0/1/2/3/4,0/3@:3,0/4@:6|

5-2. (1st target!2nd target!...!nth target)@:(Number of iterations)

Custom-defined variables

  • keyCtrlX, charaX, colorX, stepRtnX, posX, shuffleX, keyGroupX, keyGroupOrderX, scrollX, assistX


  • In the case of repeating a pattern of "0,-90,90,180" three times, it can be written as follows.
  • The key point is to use ! instead of comma , in the repeating pattern.
-> |stepRtnXX=0!-90!90!180@:3|

Related pages

| < Set your own Reverse with custom key types | Abbreviated notation for custom key type's definitions || Branches Policy > |

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