Contribute rootfs patches - cubieplayer/Cubian GitHub Wiki

The root file system of cubian is based on debian wheezy. We need to patch the original debian files to make everything works fine on cubieboard.

These patches are in the repository

Branch info

  1. master branch
    Contains no patches actually. This branch contains documents, changelog, etc.
  2. base branch
    This branch contains patches for cubian console-only version which is aslo the foundation of the desktop version. All the commits on this branch will be merged to the desktop branch.
  3. desktop branch
    This branch contains patches for cubian desktop version.LXDE and Xorg is already preinstalled. You can submit your patches about wallpaper, desktop setting, etc.

File info

  1. A10
    Contains patches only apply for A10 device(cubian for cubieboard1)
  2. A20
    Contains patches only apply for A20 device(cubian for cubiebaord2, cubieboard3)
  3. common
    Contains patches apply on both A10 and A20

How it works

  1. Any file with a .patch suffix will be applied.All the patches must be generated against the original debian file.
diff -u original after
  1. Any file without the .patch will be added to the rootfs, it will overwrite the existing file.

If your patch is accepted, it will be integrated on next release or upgradable via cubian-update