Building:Roles and Permissions - cu-uis/cu-starterkit-project GitHub Wiki
Anonymous Browser
Users who visit public facing pages of the site organically from links, search, etc. The lack of UTM values is an indication that a user arrived at the site organically.
Anonymous Targeted User
A user who clicks a link with specific UTM values (Google search ad, Facebook ad, etc) or who initially visits a Landing Page.
Authenticated User (AU)
This role has no permission to make changes, but authentication using CU's SSO is required to review unpublished changes to public pages. New Landing Pages can be published with little/no issue, but publishing other page types adds to the sitemap.xml by default. This informs search engines of the page's existence. Once indexed, search engines will keep a cached version of the page even if it is unpublished after review.
Content Editor (CE)
Can edit copy on existing pages and paragraphs in Draft state
Can use Restricted HTML functionality in WYSIWYG
Can update Page status to Needs Review to alert SEs and SOs via email
Can add Media in Draft State
Cannot make changes to published content without approval workflow
Cannot edit content created with Full HTML option
Media Editor (ME)
Can upload new images and update existing images in the Media Library
Can update metadata about images making it easier for CE, SE or SO to find and place images in content
Can see Media usage
Cannot add images by editing pages or paragraphs
Cannot split Media usage. If an image entity is used on multiple pages and paragraphs, updating the image will update the image everywhere it is used.
Site Editor (SE)
- Can edit any page or paragraph without requiring a Draft
- Create new Pages and Paragraphs
- Can review and publish or schedule a state transition to Pages and Paragraphs
- Can use Full HTML capabilities in the WYSIWYG
Site Owner (SO)
- Can do everything a SE can do
- Can invite users to join that site with any role other than Administrator
Site Builder (SB)
- Can access specific admin UIs that will result in changes to the site's YAML files
- Can export site's configuration files