Release #3 Event Creation and Overhaul Part 2 | Included Features Full User Documentation - cseseniordesign/reservations GitHub Wiki

Features to be Included in Release #3

Story #89 Negative Duration Event Bug

Dev Testing Instructions

  1. Make sure you are on the most recent version of the dev-fix-negative-duration branch.
  2. Start your dev environment and log in with development2 so you have all permissions.
  3. Navigate to the Admin -> Events page
  4. Click the button in the toolbox to navigate to the event page.
  5. On the Manage Preset Events page make sure there is a button to create a new preset and that there is a table showing the current presets.
  6. Click "New Event" and try to create an event by filling out all of the required fields but giving it a negative time duration. Ensure that an error is flashed and that the event is not created.
  7. Create a valid event and ensure that you are redirected to the previous page and that you now see the event in the table.
  8. Edit the event you just created and make sure the page loads pre-populated with all the information that you set when you created it. Edit the event and make sure it updates. If you clear out the required fields and try to save you should get an error.
  9. Ensure that you can delete the event. Make sure that when you delete the event that the join table records that tie tools to it are also deleted from the database.
  10. Ensure there are no errors in the console throughout your testing and that the page is responsive on all screen sizes.

Production Testing Instructions

  1. Go to and log in with an account that has elevated permissions to view the Admin -> Events page.
  2. Follow steps 3 and up from the dev testing instructions above.

Story #90, #91 Email Bug Fixes (Multiple automated emails being sent and studio-wide emails not sending)

Dev Testing Instructions

  1. Make sure you are on the most recent version of the dev-email-bug-fixes branch.
  2. Start your dev environment and go to the /home/ route before logging in. The page should redirect you to the login instead of throwing an error.
  3. Log into development 2 and go to the Admin -> Users page. Search for users with the first name "Email". Change the email of the Email Tester user who has the huskers email to your huskers email.
  4. Go to line 155 in routes/admin/emails.rb and change the email to your email so that you get the email to notify you of the invalid emails.
  5. Go to the Admin -> Emails page and click compose.
  6. Send a test email to all users. You should get an email sent to your email for the Email Tester user and you should get a second email showing the invalid email tester user. Don't worry about actually sending emails to all users there is testing logic in place to only send emails to users whos username contains "emailtest".
  7. Ensure there are no errors in the console throughout your testing and that the page is still responsive on all screen sizes.

Story #92 Preserve an event's duration when editing an event

Dev Testing Instructions

  1. Make sure you are on the most recent version of the dev-keep-event-end-time branch.
  2. Go to the Events page on the website.
  3. Create a new event, either from a preset or from scratch.
  4. Set the event start and end time.
  5. Create the event.
  6. Click on the event to edit it.
  7. Verify that the Start Date & Time and the End Date & Time match what you entered when creating the event.
  8. You can now delete the event if you wish.

Story #87 Convert calendar events to an exportable format for download

Dev Testing Instructions

  1. Make sure you are on the most recent version of the Development branch.
  2. Start your dev environment.
  3. On the home screen, at the bottom of the page, there is a heading "Export Trainings & Events"
  4. Navigate to the admin/events screen and assign yourself as a trainer to an event.
  5. Navigate to the trainings or workshops page and sign up for an event.
  6. Click on the "Export" button under the "Export Trainings & Events"
  7. Verify that the CSV file served to the user matches the information for the trainings and events the user is signed up for.

Production Testing Instructions

  1. Go to
  2. Follow steps 3 and up from the dev testing instructions above.

Story #71 Add UI for Entering Vehicle Information

Dev Testing Instructions

  1. Make sure you are on the most recent version of the dev-vehicle-information branch.
  2. Start your dev environment and log in with development2 so you have all permissions.
  3. Navigate to the My Account page
  4. You should notice that there is now an Update Vehicle Information section. If the user has vehicles then a table should show up with a row for each vehicle. If the user has no vehicles then there should be no table. Ensure there is a button to add a new vehicle unless there are already 3 vehicles connected to the account.
  5. Ensure that you can add, update, and delete vehicles. When adding or updating vehicles the save should not work if you don't fill out all of the required fields.
  6. Ensure there are no errors in the console throughout your testing and that the page is responsive on all screen sizes.

Production Testing Instructions

  1. Go to and log in with any account.
  2. Follow steps 3 and up from the dev testing instructions above.

Story #72 Export Vehicle Information

Dev Testing Instructions

  1. Make sure you are on the most recent version of the dev-export-vehicle-data branch.
  2. Start your dev environment and log in with development2 so you have all permissions.
  3. Navigate to the Admin -> Users page
  4. Click the "Show Toolbox" button to open the toolbox with the "Download Vehicle Data" button.
  5. In the toolbox make sure there is a button to download the vehicle data.
  6. Click "Download Vehicle Data".
  7. Ensure that a CSV file has now been downloaded to your computer with a list of the vehicles in the database.
  8. Ensure there are no errors in the console throughout your testing and that the page is responsive on all screen sizes.

Production Testing Instructions

  1. Go to and log in with an account that has elevated permissions to view the Admin -> Events page.
  2. Follow steps 3 and up from the dev testing instructions above.

Story #56 Add alert center to sign up for notifications

Dev Testing Instructions

  1. Make sure you are on the most recent version of the dev-create-alert-center branch.
  2. Start your dev environment.
  3. Log in as an admin user
  4. Navigate to the email tab under admin.
  5. Click the button that says Update Alerts.
  6. Attempt to create an alert using the create alert button.
  • When creating an alert only the category and name are required with the description being optional. Feel free to attempt to create alerts using a combinations of options including no name and description to see if the error flash appears.
  1. Attempt to edit the alerts you made by clicking the edit button.
  • Feel free to test the error flash here as well.
  1. Lastly attempt to delete an alert that you have made by clicking the delete button.
  • You should see it be removed from the list if successful.
  1. Leave at least one alert created for the next steps.
  2. On the home page scroll down to see if you have any alerts you have signed up for.
  • If you do attempt to remove an alert by clicking the unsubscribe button next to it.
  1. Attempt to add all alerts of a given category by selecting one of the category buttons.
  2. Click into the alert center link and attempt to add individual alerts.
  • Note that alerts that you have already subscribed too should be automatically checked.
  • Alert Center should also be accessible from both the training and workshop pages as well.
  1. Attempt to also unsubscribe from an alert by unchecking its box in the alert center.
  2. Lastly navigate back to the email tab under admin.
  3. Click on the compose button to get to the email composition screen.
  4. Select the checkmark to send emails to Alert Groups and select one or more from the list.
  • Ensure that the groups you are attempting to send to during testing don't have production users attached to them.
  1. Send a test email to the groups selects.
  • Try a variety of combinations when selecting the alert groups to notify.
  • Users in multiple groups should only receive one email even if more than one of the groups they are in are selected.
  1. Check the success flash for either person sent too or number of persons sent too depending on how many people are attached to the alert groups.
  • The cutoff from names to numbers should be the same as other categories.

Production Testing Instructions

  1. Go to
  2. Follow steps 3 and up from the dev testing instructions above.