Q&A - cseelhoff/RimThreaded GitHub Wiki


Can RimThreaded be added mid-game?


Can RimThreaded be removed mid-game?


What does this mod do?

This mod greatly increases performance by multi threading the game.

See the Features page for more details.

Does this mod even work?

RimThreaded has come a long way, But there is still a lot of work to do!

The Rimworld 1.3 update and Ideology DLC have introduced many new bugs.
For an optimal experience, We recommend waiting for RimThreaded to be updated to version 2.5.17 or later.
The current version of RimThreaded is 2.5.16 as of writing this.

How big is the performance impact?

It depends on how many cores your CPU has.

Here is a short demonstration video of the performance impact.

What is TPS?

TPS or Ticks Per Second is the rate at which the game updates (or ticks).
Its basically the simulation rate of the game.
60 TPS is the default (1x) in game speed, Meaning the game updates (or ticks) 60 times a second.

What is the difference between TPS and FPS?

FPS meaning Frames Per Second is the rate at which your screen updates.

TPS meaning Ticks Per Second is the rate at which the simulation updates.

RimThreaded focuses on increasing TPS.

Load Order

Where in my mod list do i put RimThreaded?

At the very bottom of the list.

If you have RimPy it will be placed there by auto sorting.

How do i order my mods?

We recommend RimPy for manual and automatic ordering of your mods.

For manual management here is an useful mod order guide.

Can i just auto sort my mods?

If you don't know how the mods you are using work internally, Then yes.
Use RimPy for this.
RimPy is not perfect, But it's better at sorting mods than the average user.

What mod organizer should i use?

We recommend RimPy.

Compatible Mods

Where can I find a mod list with compatible mods?

Most mods are considered compatible.

See the Mod Compatibility page.

Which mods are incompatible?

Experimental mods not released on the steam workshop should be considered as incompatible.

See the Mod Compatibility page.

Which mods are compatible?

Mods that add new items are generally safe to use with RimThreaded.
XML mods are always safe to use with RimThreaded.

See the Mod Compatibility page.

How do i know if a mod is XML based or not?

Here is a spreadsheet that shows what mods are XML based.
Please note that the above spreadsheet is for the multiplayer mod.

Bug Reporting

How do i make a bug report?

You can make a bug report here.

What logs should my bug report include?

These templates have instructions on what to add to the report!

What else should my bug report include?

These templates have instructions on what to add to the report!

How do i attach the save file to the report?

Here is a step by step guide.

How do i attach a screenshot to the report?

Easiest way to attach a screenshot:

  1. Be in game.
  2. Press PRINT SCRN (Print Screen).
    a. It's usually located on the top row of your keyboard, Above the arrow keys.
  3. Switch to the GitHub report in your browser.
  4. Select a line and Press CTRL(Control) + V.
  5. Wait for it to upload.
  6. Change to "Preview" to see if it worked.
  7. Write the rest of the report and submit it.

Where are the error logs?

You can find "error.log" here: AppData\Local\Temp\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Crashes\Crash_20XX-XX-XX_XXXXXXXXX\error.log

You can find "Player.log" here: AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\Rimworld by Ludeon Studios\Player.log

To access "AppData" search: %appdata%


My save is broken, What do i do?

Do these steps in order:

  1. Disable Rimthreaded, Restart Rimworld.
  2. Load the save.
  3. Unpause for 10 seconds.
  4. Save & quit.
  5. Enable Rimthreaded, Restart Rimworld.
  6. Load save.

How do i back-up my saves?

Go to: AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Saves

And copy your saves to a different folder. Or copy them and give them a different name.

To access "AppData" search: %appdata%


How many threads should i use?

Set the amount of threads according to this:

CPU Cores Logical Processors Recommended RT Setting Notes
1 1 NA Do Not Use RimThreaded!
1 2 2 - 4
2 2 2 - 4
2 4 4 - 8
4 4 4 - 8
4 8 8 - 16 Optimal.
8 8 8 - 16 Optimal.
8 16 8 - 32 Optimal.
16 32 8 - 32 Expect diminishing returns.

How do i find out how many cores my PC has?

Read this article.

What delay should i put on the thread timeout?

We recommend 8000 ms.
Some mods like Save Our Ship 2 or Blueprints may require thread timeouts up to 60000 ms to work without issues.
If you have issues, Try increasing it.

For future versions, RimThreaded will allow large calculations like re-locating your ship in Save Our Ship 2 to take more time to calculate, Rather than aborting after the set timeout value.
For the current version (2.5.16), You will have to change the setting to a high value for these large calculations.
The current version of RimThreaded is 2.5.16 as of writing this.


Where is the local mods folder?


How can i help?


Want to help with verifying if bugs are actually showing up and we are not getting false reports?
Desire to test mods to see what is compatible or not?
("Contributor" rank on discord.)


Want to maybe help contribute to a wiki, FAQ, or help with making information easy to access?
("Tech Support" rank on discord.)


Wish to contribute code?
("RT Developer" rank on discord.)

