Process - cse110-sp24-group23/dev-journal GitHub Wiki

Design and Iteration

Our design process and initial phases of research can be found on our Miro board, and our design layout can be found on our Figma.

Market Research

In our Miro, we detail our findings after researching various popular work journal applications. We noted down certain features that we felt were applicable to our experience as developers, such as minimalistic UI, structured daily logs, and markdown functionality. We also conducted user research by looking through forums to see what features would be appreciated by developers.

User Stories and Personas

Based on our research, we developed many user stories that encompass our own experiences as developers, as well as the experiences of other developers based on our user research. We also developed user personas based on the demographics that our product would be catering for. These can be found on our Miro.

Feature development

We consolidated our user stories and brainstormed features that would best suit the needs of our target user base. We sorted these features by how crucial they were to the functionality of Noted, and used these features to create a rough outline of what pages would be needed. We also defined our non-functional features.

App design

During our meetings, we made fat marker sketches that eventually got translated to more concrete wireframes, which are both available to view on our Miro. For more detailed layouts, we created a Figma prototype that utilizes the styling guide in the docs/branding folder.

Issue tracking

We split our features into detailed issues using an issue template. We created parent issues for the more general tasks, such as implementing the notes page, and sub issues for more specific issues, such as writing the boilerplate HTML for the notes page. Each issue included detailed steps for how to complete the task, and was tagged with its level of difficulty. We assigned issues to team members such that everyone had a roughly equal amount of work to complete. If someone wanted to know who was working on an issue, they could refer to the issue itself and see who was assigned to it.

GitHub Projects

We utilized GitHub projects throughout our workflow to keep track of issues. GitHub projects allowed us to view our individual issues, as well as monitor our sprint roadmaps.

Retrospective/Sprint Review

We split our workflow into two sprints, and after each sprint we held a sprint review and team retrospective. During the sprint reviews, we discussed what we accomplished so that everyone was on the same page. During the retrospectives, we discussed what worked and what didn't in regards to our workflow, and we decided on ways we could improve our workflow in the future. Our meeting notes for these sessions can be found in our main repo.