Getting Started - cse110-sp24-group23/dev-journal GitHub Wiki

Getting Started

A live working demo exists at our GitHub Pages, but in case you wish to run anything locally, here is what is required.

Getting Code

To run Noted locally, first clone the repo by running

git clone

The dev journal does have an outside dependency for the markdown editor called SimpleMDE.

All source code is located in the ./src folder, and all tests can be found in ./test. src has all the code for each page (calendar, settings, daily log, accomplishments, notes, and password) and the navbar that connects them all. Each page has its own folder within src and has a javascript, css, and html file. The test folder is broken down into it's individual testing components.

Running Locally

To open a local server and run the web app, we can use the Live Server extension in VSCode, or any similar local server runner.

We can then point Live Server to run on src/index.html, which will open a server at, where the port will be specified. This will bring you to a locally hosted version of the application.

If your local server specifically only launches at the root directory, adding the /src/index.html to the url should bring you to the application home page.

Generating Documentation

To generate the JSDocs code documentation, we first need to install JSDocs:

npm install --save-dev jsdoc

Once this is installed, we can generate the documentation via:

./node_modules/.bin/jsdoc src -r

Which will generate all the documentation files in src and puts them in a folder ./out. You can then access this via any html server (in similar fashion to above).

Running Tests

To run unit and integration tests locally, we can simply use

npm run unittest

npm run integrationtest

which will fire off both for the unit and integration tests respectively.

For end-to-end testing, you will first need to have a locally hosted version of the application running. Then in each e2e test file in test/end-to-end, replace any line of the form

let url = "";



and we can proceed to run

npm run e2etest