VirtualBox - csap-platform/csap-core GitHub Wiki

References: Install Notes

Download linux distribution

run installer

1. open virtualbox
   - create vm (machine)
   - 8Gb, 4cpu cores, (VDI) disk 32GB virtual disk
   - networking: NAT networking with port forwarding:  8011, 7011, 8080, 22 
   - storage - add iso as a cd
   - start VM
   - proceeds with OS install prompts
   > specifying root password(xxx)
   > select network: start the network and change hostname from localhost.domain to
   	   > add as a localhost alias to your local machine. typically /etc/hosts, or windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts csap-01
   > click done
   > select install destination - select 32gb VDI disk - click done
   > click begin installation
   > after completion: power off the machine: devices eject CD, restart

2. Start the VM

# open local terminal on your laptop
> ssh root@csap-01
> hostname --long; ip addr
# returns hostname and a valid network bind with UP state

optional configuration

# disable firewall: csap-agent runs on 8011, dockerd on 4243. For dev - generally more convenient to disable
systemctl mask firewalld.service; systemctl disable firewalld.service ;systemctl stop firewalld.service ; systemctl status firewalld.service

# reduce wait time on before booting 
sed -i "s/GRUB_TIMEOUT=5/GRUB_TIMEOUT=1/g" /etc/default/grub
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

# yum utils
yum --assumeyes install yum-utils

# latest os updates
yum --assumeyes update ; shutdown now
# take a VM snapshot

# configure ssl certs: laptop console
ssh-keygen -t rsa
chmod 700 .ssh ; chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa

scp ~/.ssh/ root@csap-01:
ssh root@csap-01
mkdir .ssh ; chmod 700 .ssh ; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ;chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
exit ; 

# verify: should NOT prompt for password:"
ssh root@csap-01

# to get vbox host aliasing without manually adding entries to /windows/hosts - add guest tools
# optional - do this first to avoid reinstalling guest tools everboot
yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum -y install kernel-devel epel-release
yum -y install dkms

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