New Application Setup - csap-platform/csap-core GitHub Wiki
Hosts are installed using the file:
- the initial host in a given locale/site can be installed using docker (ref. Docker Images)
- subsequent installs may utilize the initial host as a local installer (ref. Training)
Alternately - check out all of the CSAP git repositories - and perform builds using maven (optionally add jenkins jobs).
The Docker Images includes a fully encapsulated image csapplatform/demo. The image includes a fully enabled Host Portal complete with the ability to edit files, run scripts, etc. It can be used to perform the install of either:
- a "generic" host that can be used for all future applications.
- a single node "all in one" kubernetes host
- a multi node kubernetes cluster
- ANY configuration of ANY number of services/hosts can be done by creating/modifying the Csap Autoplay template
New csap application workflow:
- Install your first host using a default application profile
- Using CSAP editor: customize with application name, git location, etc. - check in to git.
- Using CSAP editor: add clusters, and hosts incrementally - checking into git frequently
- Optional: add CSAP Events Setup
- latest supported linux distribution
It is strongly recommended to install using a minimal profile to minimize conflicts with the dependency requirements of the application
depending on application needs, general purpose: 16 cpu cores, 32gb memory
disk: /var (10g), /var/lib/docker(ext4 - 70g) , /var/lib/kubelet(ext4 - 30g), /opt(ext4 - 25g)
xfs usage note (kubernetes&docker)
- to use xfs, use: mkfs.xfs -n ftype=1 ; refer to required configuration:
- Recommended services
- GIT repository: used to provide change management for application configuration
- Use of hosted or private supported:
- LDAP configuration:
- url: ldap://ldap.davis.sensus.lab:389, directory-dn: search:uid={0}, search-user: ou=People,dc=flexnet,dc=net,search-groups: ou=Groups,dc=flexnet,dc=net
- yum repos: docker and kuberetes default to using public internet repositories. Recommend: add local internal repostories.
- Root install access:
- while csap runs as non root, install access is required for docker, kubernetes, etc. Installation logs detail 100% of changes.
$(hostname --long) != $ (hostname --short) : hostname should be configured to be a resolvable entry
Typical configuration for management/operations team access:
- csap agent: 8011; admin portal: 8021; webserver 80/8080;
- SSL Configuration: 8013 8023 443/8082
# Copy and paste at root
# Install docker
yum --assumeyes install docker unzip wget
# cleaning up previous installs
cd $HOME; rm --recursive --force --verbose csap*.zip* * installer ;
# gets the
mkdir dist;
docker run \
--rm \
--name csap-installer \
--volume=$(pwd)/dist:/transfer \
cp dist/* . ; rm --recursive --force dist ;
# extract installer
unzip -j csap-host-*.zip csap-platform/packages/ && unzip -qq installer/*
# Get the installer from artifactory: NOTE: update url to the DC location
# snapshot=""
# release=""
# wget $release;