Application Health - csap-platform/csap-core GitHub Wiki

CSAP aggregates both OS and application health reports (typically 1 per service) for rapid access via portal or rest api. Os, Docker, and Kubernetes services are all supported.

CSAP OS resource consumption alerts are enabled by default; alert thresholds can be customized as needed using the CSAP Application Editor. Thresholds can be defined globally at either the project or cluster level, then selectively overridden per service.

CSAP Health integations:

  • CSAP Service Health: provides options for applications to expose health reports and performance metrics for every service
  • CSAP Data Center Health: provides API based access for operations teams to leverage

Sample Health Response

	"health-report": {
		"collectionCount": 5850.0,
		"lastCollected": "08:51:40, Apr 4",
		"isHealthy": false,
		"errors": [
				"id": "test-message-id",
				"type": "dev-only",
				"description": "08:51:40, Apr 4 user: admin Added demo issue"
		"source": {
			"collected-at": "08:51:40, April 4 2019",
			"hostName": "test-k8s-csap-reference-7bf895ff78-xzm9z",
			"url-requested": "",
			"sample-params": "*&details=false&precision=2&tagFilter=state&tagFilter=csap-collection",
			"sample-http": "*&details=true&encode=true&precision=2&"

Health Integration

Screenshot Description


  • application portal alerts are visible and accessible via the navigation bar

Host Alerts

  • intermittent alert reports are accessible by selecting a day
  • alerts are throttled

Service Reports

  • configured via service editor
  • Services implementing CSAP Health APIs (eg. ) provide enhanced health integration
  • alerts are throttled
  • live graph view can be launched
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