The CSAP analytics portal retrieves data from the CSAP Events Service to provide extensive operational and performance reports. Everything from the aggregate CPU consumed across a specified application, host resource (cpu/disk/memory,..), service resources and work produced, to user activity reports.
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aggregate reports (cpu, user activity, log rotations, ...) across all services on all hosts
ability to compare different application lifecycles - how testing in non prod relative to production loads.
table view allows sorting by attibute to identify which host is consuming the most, the least, etc
configurable time periods, filters, etc.
selectable time periods allow for before / after comparisons
improvements and worsening are quickly identifiable
Host Attribute Comparison: CPU Load
Any of the attributes collected can be compared to each other, or previously collected
shown is cpu load
Host Attribute Aggregate Trending: CPU Load
Addresses: How is my application Host CPU Load trending over X weeks.
Service OS Resources - All Services, All Instances
Similar to Host performance, OS resources for services can be viewed and analyzed
Service OS Resources - 1 Service, All Instances
across a wide number of instances - there can be significant variability in resources consumed
highlights a single service deployed on many hosts
Showing relative thread count across all services
Java Summary - All services
For java based services, key fields (jvm heap, user sessions, etc.) are also available.
Java User Sessions - session leak
Note the active user growth.
It was only occurring on specific host instances
click diagrams to enlarge to enlarge
Host Performance Comparison
each line on the graph reflects resource consumption per host
NOTE: graphs are shown stacked; but checking lines will unstack
when dealing with large numbers of hosts - using smart select to filter outlier results.
shown: top 10 hosts with highest load average compared the 2 hosts with the lowest load average
multiple instances of a given service are deployed for scalability / availability
each line on the graph reflects resource consumption for a specific service instance
shown: the same service - but deployed on different hosts
based on traffic distribution, specific functional use cases - resource profiles over time can/will vary
NOTE: graphs are shown stacked; but checking lines will unstack
Service - Java Performance
Service shown: csap data service (receive data from CSAP agents)
reference: CSAP Events Service
dropdown filters available: http data, jvm heap, java thread. jvmHeap, unstacked:
Service - Application Performance
Service shown: csap data service (receive data from CSAP agents)
reference: CSAP Events Service
Note: application data is domain specific
click diagrams to enlarge to enlarge
Csap Events dashboard is integrated throughout the [Management Portals]
shown: the [Application Portal] landing page: clicking on event count or user activity opens the event browser with filters preselected
reference: CSAP Events Service
Browser: Filtered by User Events
Events browser shows events received
shown: events filtered by /csap/ui
Browser: Filtered by host reports
Launched from Analytics Landing Page
shown: Host Summary table - filterd by cores >= 4, followed by reports