Golang Roomates Web App - cs428TAs/w2024 GitHub Wiki

Roles Document and Org. Chart

See other wiki here


This will be a web app that can be used for by roommates when they move in together to facilitate common tasks. The backend will be in Go, but frontend will likely be custom HTML/CSS

Key Features

  • A shared grocery list that roommates can add/remove from
  • A shared contact system that allows them to DM each other
  • Shared chore scheduler
  • A shared calendar that allows roommates to share specific events, like if they are having some people over for an activity.
  • Could include a demo of how an app like this could link up with apartment managers for things like announcments, paying rent, repair requests, etc.


  • Xan Johnson
  • Jared Robinson
  • Landon Fackrell
  • Spencer Jorgenson


Status Reports

Jan 29 to Feb 2.xlsx

Feb 5 to Feb 10

Feb 11 to Feb 17

Feb 18 to Feb 24

Feb 25 to Mar 2

Mar 3 to Mar 9

Mar 10 to Mar 17

Mar 18 to Mar 23

Mar 24 to Mar 30

Final Weekly Report

Project Requirements

See other wiki here

Gantt Chart

See other wiki here

PERT Chart

See other wiki here

Arch and Design Doc

View on Google Docs here

Testing Doc

View on Google Docs here