Gameboy Emulator - cs428TAs/w2024 GitHub Wiki

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I saw that a previous team attempted an NES emulator so I thought it could be interesting to do something similar with a Gameboy emulator. I would prefer to work in C++ for the project for performance reasons. My goal would be to get simple graphics to draw to the screen, but I'm not expecting that it would be possible to get existing games to run within a semester. The project should be able to take in standard Gameboy ROM files and run the Gameboy's instruction set in real-time.

Org chart

Blank diagram (8)


Project Team Members:

  • Project Manager: Tyson Peterson

    • Submit Weekly Status Report
    • Monitor deliverable progress
    • Organize and lead weekly team meetings
    • Discuss project standing with chief architect
    • Make everyone on my team feel like a winner
  • Chief Architect: Darien Campbell

    • Design UML Diagrams
    • Work on and monitor different parts of the codebase
    • Communicate between team members to ensure a common understanding of the architecture
  • Researcher: Andrew Peterson

    • Research parts of the GB architecture with less documentation
    • Prepare resources to implement difficult architecture with existing architecture (e.g. sound)
    • Report findings to chief architect
  • Secretary: Henry Young

    • Take notes for meetings
    • Review minutes at the start of meetings
    • Write up code documentation
    • Assist Researcher with research topics
    • Fill in for PM
  • QA Engineer: Jackson Peterson

    • Play video games
    • Write unit tests
    • Meet with PM and CA to report bugs
  • Engineer: Keiffer Da Silva

    • Work to implement the vision of the chief architect
    • Fix any bugs reported by the QA Engineer
    • Help to interface between different parts of the project

All project members are expected to contribute to the implementation of the project code base

Status Reports
