Idea Engine - cs428TAs/w2023 GitHub Wiki

50% of small businesses fail in the first 5 years of opening. In large part this happens because the business doesn't have a clear target market, or no market exists at all for their product (even if it's cool).

This idea is based on some advice I got from employees at Pioneer Square Labs - the guys that host the Acquired podcast (look it up if you're interested in tech businesses, really good stuff): We build a modular landing page that we can use to quickly bounce ideas off of potential future customers, with a call -to-action button to add an email, or subscribe or pledge money or something along those lines. We make it modular so that if an idea is not awesome, it's easy to swap out with new content, color schemes, layout, etc.

If you want to take and use this page on your own after this class is over, you can use it in tandem with social media ads. the PSL guys basically said if you can get 2% conversion from a social media platform to your page, it's a good idea. Anything above 5% is an awesome idea that people are interested in. In addition to that, you should see a 10-20% conversion rate on your call-to-action.


  • Dallin Stevens
  • Todd Froisland
  • Austin Reid