Buddy Study - cs428TAs/w2022 GitHub Wiki


Buddy Study is an idea for a web app that allows students to study flashcards in a much more fun way. They will be able to create study sets and play group games with other students. This will help students learn large amounts of test material in a way that is both engaging and social.

Tech Stack

  • Svelte
  • css
  • html
  • javascript
  • mongoDB

Project for this semester (starting from scratch)

  • Create basic web app interface using Svelte
  • Backend using express and Axios API
  • Support user accounts and authentication
  • Allow students to create study sets with flashcards (Import from Quizlet if time permits)
  • Create a basic trivia speed game. (Choose a study set, each member of game gets the same random question and whoever chooses the correct answer first wins the round)

Developer Group

  • Jason Anderson
  • Sihnyoung Park
  • Isaac Smith
  • Joseph Paris

Org Chart

There should be an org chart here... if you're not seeing it, hi!

Project Requirements

Buddy Study Requirements

Status Reports

PERT and Gantt Chart

Design Document

Test Plan