TheLambertWFunction - crowlogic/arb4j GitHub Wiki

The Lambert W Function

The Lambert W function, also known as the product logarithm, is a special function denoted by $$W(x)$$ that solves the equation:

$$z = x e^x$$

for $x$ in terms of $z$. In other words, if $W(z)$ is the Lambert W function, then:

$$W(z)e^{W(z)} = z$$


Some important properties of the Lambert W function include:

  1. Branches: The Lambert W function has multiple branches. The principal branch, denoted as $W_0(z)$, is real-valued for all real $z$. The secondary branch, denoted as $W_{-1}(z)$, is real-valued for $z \in [-\frac{1}{e}, 0)$. There are also infinitely many complex branches.

  2. Derivative: The derivative of the Lambert W function can be computed as:

    $$W'(z) = \frac{W(z)}{z(1 + W(z))}$$

  3. Real-valued domain: For the principal branch $W_0(z)$, the function is real-valued for all real $z$, and the range is $-\frac{1}{e} \leq W_0(z) \leq \infty$.

  4. Asymptotic behavior: As $z \to \infty$, $W_0(z) \sim \log(z) - \log(\log(z))$, and as $z \to 0$, $W_0(z) \sim z$.

  5. Inverse relationship: The Lambert W function is related to the exponential function through their inverse relationship:

    $$x = W(z)e^{W(z)}$$


The Lambert W function has many applications including:

  1. Solving transcendental equations involving exponentials and logarithms.
  2. Analyzing the behavior of certain dynamical systems and bifurcation theory.
  3. Modeling population growth and decay in biological systems.
  4. Analyzing algorithms and data structures with logarithmic growth or decay.