QuarksAsNegativeMass - crowlogic/arb4j GitHub Wiki

Winterberg's idea from 1975 suggests a different approach to understanding particle physics: that quarks are actually negative mass matter. According to Winterberg, when particles are smashed together, instead of revealing their constituents, they're actually increasing the binding energy due to the high energy impact, as negative mass matter would respond differently to these interactions compared to normal matter.

It's important to note that such alternative theories often face significant hurdles in being accepted by the broader scientific community.

This is because the Standard Model of particle physics, while not without its own unsolved mysteries and gaps (such as the nature of dark matter and the quantization of gravity), has been extremely successful in predicting and explaining a vast array of phenomena observed in experiments.

For an alternative theory to gain traction, it would need to not only explain the phenomena that the Standard Model already covers but also make new, testable predictions that can be verified by experiment. My work expounds upon Winterberg's and makes some predictions that could certainly contribute to our understanding of the universe.

These theories need to go through the rigorous process of peer review and experimental testing to gain acceptance in the scientific community.