ParticleTracing - crowlogic/arb4j GitHub Wiki

One approach to visualize the velocity field and streamlines associated with a potential flow that uses particle swarms to represent the granular units of flowing fluid is to use a technique called particle tracing.

Particle tracing involves simulating the motion of individual particles or particle swarms through the velocity field, and then plotting the trajectories of these particles to visualize the flow patterns.

To implement particle tracing, you would need to first discretize the velocity field into a grid of discrete velocity vectors. Then, for each particle in the swarm, you would calculate its initial position and velocity based on the local velocity vector in the grid. You would then update the position of each particle over time based on its velocity, and plot the resulting trajectories to visualize the flow patterns.

To generate streamlines, you can start with a set of seed points, and then trace the paths of the particles starting at each seed point, using a fixed time step. The resulting trajectories can be plotted as streamlines to give a visual representation of the flow field.

Note that particle tracing is a numerical simulation technique, and the accuracy of the results depends on the resolution of the velocity field and the time step used for the simulation. Therefore, it is important to choose an appropriate resolution and time step to ensure accurate and meaningful results.