Closure - crowlogic/arb4j GitHub Wiki

A closure in programming is a concept predominantly associated with functional programming, although it's also relevant in other paradigms. It refers to a function that is bundled with its lexical environment. This environment includes any external variables that are used inside the function. Here's a more detailed breakdown:

  1. Function with State: A closure is essentially a function that remembers the state (variables, environment) of the place where it was created. This state is remembered even when the function is executed in a different context.

  2. Lexical Scoping: Closures are made possible by lexical scoping. This means that a function defined inside another function has access to the outer function's variables. The closure 'encloses' or captures the outer function's variables and keeps them alive.

  3. Example: Imagine a function createCounter that returns another function – a counter – which increments and returns a count every time it's called. The inner counter function retains access to its outer function's count variable, even after the outer function has finished execution. This retained access to the count variable (the closure's lexical environment) allows the counter to keep track of its count each time it's called.

  4. Use Cases: Closures are used for:

    • Data Encapsulation and Privacy: They can emulate private variables, as variables defined in the outer function are only accessible to the closure, not outside of it.
    • Functional Programming: Closures are a key feature in functional programming, allowing functions to be first-class citizens that can be passed around and manipulated.
    • Callbacks and Event Handlers: In asynchronous programming, closures are often used in callbacks and event handlers, where they keep track of the state when the callback/event was set up.
  5. Languages: Many modern programming languages support closures, including JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and various functional languages like Haskell and Scala.

Closures are a powerful concept because they allow functions to have "memory" and to interact with their creation context in dynamic ways, leading to more expressive and flexible code structures.