Replace Variables - crowbartools/Firebot GitHub Wiki


The variables in this document were for Firebot v4. They do not work in Firebot v5. To see available variables for v5, click the blue "$vars" button in bottom right of any relevant text field.

List of text replace variables currently available in Firebot.


These variables can be used anywhere (Mixplay, commands, events, etc).

Variable Description
$(user) Replaced by the name of the person running the button, command, or event
$(time) The current time. Use $(time24) for 24 hour time.
$(date) The current date, formatted ie "Jun 1st 2018"
$(uptime) How long the stream has been broadcasting
$(streamer) The name of the account signed in as the Streamer
$(bot) The name of the account signed in as the Bot
$(game) The game you are currently playing
$(game[streamerName]) The game the provided streamer last played. Can be used in conjunction with $(arg) or $(target), ie $(game[$(target)])
$(streamTitle) The current title of your stream.
$(userAvatarUrl) The url of the users avatar. Useful in Show Image effects!
$(userAvatarUrl[name]) The url of the given users avatar.
$(patronageEarned) Total number of patronage sparks earned.
$(patronageNextMilestoneTarget) The next milestone spark target.
$(patronageNextMilestoneReward) The next milestone reward value, in dollars.
$(patronagePreviousMilestoneTarget) The previous milestone spark amount.
$(patronagePreviousMilestoneReward) The previous milestone reward value, in dollars.
$(randomViewer) The name of a random viewer in chat.
$(randomNumber[low-high]) Get a random number between the low and high numbers, ie $(randomNumber[1-10])
$(math[expression]) Evaluate the given expression. Can combine with other vars like randomNumber, ie $(math[2 + $(randomNumber[1-5])])
$(readApi[url]) Calls the given url and inserts the response. If the response is JSON, you can traverse the object.
$(readFile[filepath]) Gets the contents of the given txt file, ie $(readFile[C:/some/path/file.txt])
$(readRandomLine[filepath]) A random line from the given txt file

Interactive & Commands

These variables only work when used in an interactive control or a chat command

Variable Description
$(text) Replaced by the interactive button text or the chat command ID.
$(cost) Replaced by the cost of the command or button.
$(cooldown) Replaced by the cooldown of the command or button.

Interactive Only

These variables only work when used in an interactive control.

Variable Description
$(textboxValue) Only works if this effect is attached to a Textbox. This will contain the value of the Textbox.
$(tooltip) The tooltip of the button that was pressed.
$(progress) The current percentage of the progress bar on a button.
$(activeState) The active state of a button, displays 'enabled' or 'disabled'.
$(activeStateReverse) The reverse active state of a button, displays 'disabled' or 'enabled'.

Commands Only

These variables only work when used in a chat command.

Variable Description
$(arg#) Replaced by the argument provided after a chat command. For example, $(arg) or $(arg1) pulls the first word after the command, whereas $(arg5) would pull the fifth word.
$(arg#-#) Grab a range of arguments. Combines them with spaces. IE if command was "!command these are some words": $(arg2-3) = "are some", $(arg2-last) = "are some words", $(argAll) = "these are some words"
$(target) Acts like the $(arg) variable but strips out any leading "@", useful when the argument is expected to be a username. Like $(arg), it also supports the $(target#) format for selecting different words.

Events Only

These variables only work when used in an event.

Variable Description Event(s)
$(subMonths) This is replaced by the total months a person has been subbed. Subscribe Event
$(gifterUsername) This is replaced by the user who gave the gift sub. Gifted Subscription Event
$(giftReceiverUsername) This is replaced by the user who received the gift sub. Gifted Subscription Event
$(skillName) Name of associated Skill. Skill Event & Skill - Sticker Only Event
$(skillIconUrl) URL of icon for associated Skill. If sticker, it will be the sticker image. Skill Event & Skill - Sticker Only Event
$(skillCost) Cost of the associated Skill. Skill Event & Skill - Sticker Only Event
$(skillCurrencyType) Type of currency used for associated Skill. Skill Event & Skill - Sticker Only Event
$(skillGifUrl) The url of the GIF. Can be used in Show Image effect! Skill - GIF Only Event
$(elAmount) ExtraLife donation amount. If user chooses not to disclose amount, it will say 'undisclosed amount'. ExtraLife Event
$(elMessage) ExtraLife donation message. ExtraLife Event