Groups and Scenes - crowbartools/Firebot GitHub Wiki

What are groups?

Groups are just groups of viewers. This can be groups of moderators, subscribers, staff members, etc. Each group has a scene assigned to it.

What is a scene?

A scene is a collection of interactive buttons that viewers can press.

This is confusing. Can you give me an example?

Sure. Imagine that you're in front of a classroom teaching. You show your students a dry erase board with some information on it. In this case, the students are your "group" and the dry erase board is your "scene".

Now, you decide those show the kids something else. So, you put the dry erase board down, and then pick up a new one with different information. You show this new dry erase board to the class.

Congrats, you just changed the scene for the group!

Firebot Auto Grouping

Firebot tries to make your life easier by automatically creating some key groups for you. After importing your interactive controls into Firebot you'll be given a settings tab for the controls. On this tab you'll see "Group Settings" with your scenes listed below.

To use auto grouping just hit the settings Cog next to the board name and select the groups you'd like to use for each scene. Any groups you select will see this scene by default when they first connect to interactive.

Custom Grouping

You can also manually create user groups for things such as Gamewisp subscribers. Just click the group tab at the top of the app and create a new user group. This group will then be selectable on the settings tab on any interactive board you import.

How does the group process work?

Firebot groups users with the following workflow:

  1. Check if user is banned. If so, sort them into a banned group that has no buttons.
  2. Check if user is in any custom groups. If so, sort them into that custom group.
  3. Make an API call to get user roles in the streamer's channel.
  4. Check to see if the main role for the user matches one of the active auto groups, and if it does sort them into it.
  5. If user is still not grouped then they'll be placed in the default group.

What are the technical details of Auto Grouping?

Firebot will check users in your channel at 10 users per second. It will then make an API call to get their roles and sort them into groups. So, it could take a bit to sort everyone on large channels. Rate limits are 1000 calls per minute. So, if it makes more than 1000 calls it will store user names to sort until it has more calls available. If a user refreshes they will be re-added to the queue to be processed again.