Community Projects - cqframework/clinical_quality_language GitHub Wiki

This page lists known community projects related to Clinical Quality Language. If you have a community project, feel free to add it here!

The projects are divided into two broad categories, tooling and content development:

  • Tooling: Projects related to implementation of CQF projects (such as translators, engines, publication tooling, etc)
  • Content: Projects that are using CQF-related standards to build content


Java CQL-to-ELM Translator, Formatter, and Engine

JavaScript Execution Engine

Microsoft .NET CQL Support

  • This is NCQA's and Firely's official support SDK for working with CQL on the Microsoft .NET (dotnet) platform. It contains an engine for executing ELM, and/or turning the contents of an ELM file into a .NET assembly so it can be called statically.

Go CQL Support

CQL Translation Service

CQL-based Capabilities

CQL Execution Service

CQL Authoring

CDS Connect

CQL Testing

CQL Server-side Functionality

CQL Tooling


The projects listed here provide a catalog of known CQF-related content development projects. The projects listed here are all independently funded and managed.

CQF Common

Opioid Prescribing Guideline

Pain Management Summary

Lung Cancer Screening

CDS for Chronic Pain Management

WHO SMART Guidelines

Oregon Health Sciences University Hypertension Management