Poll Templates - cplusplus/LEWG GitHub Wiki

Polls interpretation recommendations (non-binding): https://github.com/cplusplus/LEWG/wiki/Interpreting-Polls

These templates use syntax that is compatible with both TWiki and GitHub Markdown, so you can paste them to both the meeting wiki and the Github for paper tracking:

   * Lists that start with 3 spaces and use `*` to start items are recognized by both TWiki and GitHub.
__Double underscores denote bold italics text in TWiki and bold text in GitHub Markdown.__

PRIORITY is one of:

  • B1 - focus.
  • B2 - improvement.
  • B2 - addition.

Poll Templates

Five-way Poll


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__# of Authors:__

__Author Position:__



Approval Poll

__POLL: (vote for all the options you find acceptable, vote as many times as you like)__

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__# of Authors:__

__Author Position:__



Direction Poll

__POLL: We should promise more committee time to pursuing DESCRIPTION, knowing that our time is scarce and this will leave less time for other work.__

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__# of Authors:__

__Author Position:__



Forwarding Polls

Via Electronic Poll With Modifications

__POLL: Modify PNNNNRM (DESCRIPTION) by X, and then send the revised paper to GGG for C++XY classified as PRIORITY, to be confirmed with a Library Evolution electronic poll.__

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__# of Authors:__

__Author Position:__



Via Electronic Poll Without Modifications

__POLL: Send PNNNNRM (DESCRIPTION) to GGG for C++XY classified as PRIORITY, to be confirmed with a Library Evolution electronic poll.__

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__# of Authors:__

__Author Position:__



Direct With Modifications

__POLL: Modify PNNNNRM (DESCRIPTION) by X, and then send the revised paper to GGG for C++XY classified as PRIORITY.__

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__# of Authors:__

__Author Position:__



Direct Without Modifications

__POLL: Send PNNNNRM (DESCRIPTION) to GGG for C++XY classified as PRIORITY.__

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__# of Authors:__

__Author Position:__

