SteamVR tracking without HMD - corycorvus/VIVE-Tracker-Wiki GitHub Wiki

SteamVR tracking without HMD

Note: If SteamVR updates it may be necessary to re-enable the default null driver.

1. Enable the default null driver

Edit the file "default.vrsettings", change "enable" to "true", save the file.

Default folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers\null\resources\settings


    "enable": true,

2. Change SteamVR VR Settings

Edit the file "steamvr.vrsettings", make changes/additions below, save the file.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config

steamvr.vrsettings "steamvr" section

  "requireHmd" : false,
  "forcedDriver" : "null",
  "activateMultipleDrivers" : true,
  "enableHomeApp" : false,

SteamVR Room Setup without an HMD

1. Start SteamVR

SteamVR null driver

2. Pair tracker

Tracker pairing steps

SteamVR null driver with tracker

3. Switch role to "Held in Hand"

Switching role steps

Note: Due to a current limitation it is only possible to send input via pogo pins when tracker role is set to "Held in Hand".

SteamVR Manage Vive Trackers_crop

4. Start SteamVR Room Setup

Note: Choose "Room-Scale"

room setup

5. Connect pogo pins 2+4

Note: This step is required if using a VIVE tracker instead of a controller.

Connect the pogo pins 2+4 (ground + trigger) to activate trigger.

Note: Use a small piece of wire or a bent paperclip.

Pogo pin diagram

pogo1 pogo2

6. Complete Room Setup

Finish the room setup process.

Note: If using a tracker then connect the pins whenever it asks you to pull the trigger.

Note: When drawing room boundaries, choose "Advanced" and use trigger/pogo when tracker is placed in each corner of the tracking space.

Note: If tracker orientation is off by 90° change tracker role to anything other than "Held in Hand".