SteamVR tracking without HMD - corycorvus/VIVE-Tracker-Wiki GitHub Wiki
SteamVR tracking without HMD
Note: If SteamVR updates it may be necessary to re-enable the default null driver.
1. Enable the default null driver
Edit the file "default.vrsettings", change "enable" to "true", save the file.
Default folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\drivers\null\resources\settings
"enable": true,
2. Change SteamVR VR Settings
Edit the file "steamvr.vrsettings", make changes/additions below, save the file.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\config
steamvr.vrsettings "steamvr" section
"requireHmd" : false,
"forcedDriver" : "null",
"activateMultipleDrivers" : true,
"enableHomeApp" : false,
SteamVR Room Setup without an HMD
1. Start SteamVR
2. Pair tracker
3. Switch role to "Held in Hand"
Note: Due to a current limitation it is only possible to send input via pogo pins when tracker role is set to "Held in Hand".
4. Start SteamVR Room Setup
Note: Choose "Room-Scale"
5. Connect pogo pins 2+4
Note: This step is required if using a VIVE tracker instead of a controller.
Connect the pogo pins 2+4 (ground + trigger) to activate trigger.
Note: Use a small piece of wire or a bent paperclip.
6. Complete Room Setup
Finish the room setup process.
Note: If using a tracker then connect the pins whenever it asks you to pull the trigger.
Note: When drawing room boundaries, choose "Advanced" and use trigger/pogo when tracker is placed in each corner of the tracking space.
Note: If tracker orientation is off by 90° change tracker role to anything other than "Held in Hand".