Common Fixes for Resolution Issues with CCCP - cortex-command-community/Cortex-Command-Community-Project GitHub Wiki


This article explains some ways to fix commonly encountered resolution issues with the Cortex Command Community Project. These steps are best followed in series, as the issues arise. If you need more help following these steps, feel free to post a request for help on Discord in the Cortex Command Community Project server.


  • Due to it's age and the graphics library it uses, Cortex Command Community Project currently doesn't support a fullscreen mode, only borderless windowed mode. Fullscreen will actually provide poorer performance, so it's not (currently) available. As such, whenever fullscreen mode is referred to in this guide, it really means borderless windowed.
  • You can toggle the resolution multiplier the game uses with the alt+Enter hotkey (between 1 / 2). With the correct settings this will switch between windowed and borderless windowed (fullscreen) mode without having to do so through the in-game settings or settings.ini file.

Standard Resolution Setup

The most common window setup for the game that let's you play in fullscreen is achieved by setting your game resolution to half your monitor resolution and the in-game resolution multiplier to 2. This will make the game render using the whole available display. If you're having trouble with the size of the game, this is the first thing to try.

  • In your game directory, find Base.rte/Settings.ini, and open the file using a text editor of your choice (eg, Notepad++, Sublime Text 3).


    Base Settings Path

  • Under display settings, set ResolutionX and ResolutionY to half the resolution of your display (or of your system if it's not the same), and set the ResolutionMultiplier to 2. For example, my display resolution is 1920 x 1080, so my ResolutionX = 960 and my ResolutionY = 540.


    Settings Resolution specs

  • Launch Cortex Command and it should now run in fullscreen! To toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode, use the aforementioned alt+Enter hotkey. For further issues, see some of the next steps.

Fullscreen Fix

-This issue will be fixed in the next released version, Pre3.1 as the game should apply this override automatically.-

Another common issue when launching the game having followed these steps is you get the error "Resolution too high to fit display, overriding to fit!", or, when trying to change the scaling through either the hotkey or in-game settings you get "Requested resolution multiplier will result in game window exceeding display bounds! No changes will be made!". You may also find that, even having followed the above steps, the game still appears to be windowed after entering upscaled mode.


Bad Res When Scaling Error 1 OR Bad Res When Scaling Error 2

This is most often due to Windows attempting to scale the game to match the current system UI scaling. This causes the game to think your monitor's resolution is actually smaller/larger than it truly is, and is fixed by overriding the system scaling through the apps compatibility properties. To fix:
  • Open the properties of the Cortex Command.exe.

    Either of these will work:

    Rightclick properties taskbar


    Right Click properties application

  • Head to the Compatability tab and click on Change High DPI Settings.


    Properties Find DPI Settings

  • In the settings, tick the "Override high DPI scaling behaviour." box, and set the "Scaling performed by:" to Application.


    Set Corrrect DPI Override

  • Hit "Okay" and apply these settings, then repeat the above steps to set your resolution correctly, as the game's likely changed it.

Non-Standard Setups

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️