Talkin' with the Rooster - coq/coq GitHub Wiki
(Part of the Coq FAQ)
Use some theorem or assumption or use the split
Coq < Goal forall A B:Prop, A->B-> A/\B.
1 subgoal
forall A B : Prop, A -> B -> A /\ B
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
A : Prop
B : Prop
H : A
H0 : B
A /\ B
Unnamed_thm < split.
2 subgoals
A : Prop
B : Prop
H : A
H0 : B
subgoal 2 is:
Unnamed_thm < assumption.
1 subgoal
A : Prop
B : Prop
H : A
H0 : B
Unnamed_thm < assumption.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
If you want to decompose your hypothesis into several hypothesess you can use the destruct
Coq < Goal forall A B : Prop, A /\ B -> B.
1 subgoal
forall A B : Prop, A /\ B -> B
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
A : Prop
B : Prop
H : A /\ B
Unnamed_thm < destruct H as [H1 H2].
1 subgoal
A : Prop
B : Prop
H : A /\ B
H0 : A
H1 : B
Unnamed_thm < assumption.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
You can also perform the destruction at the time of introduction:
Coq < Goal forall A B : Prop, A /\ B -> B.
1 subgoal
forall A B : Prop, A /\ B -> B
Unnamed_thm < intros A B [H1 H2].
1 subgoal
A, B : Prop
H1 : A
H2 : B
Unnamed_thm < assumption.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
You can prove the left part or the right part of the disjunction using the left
or right
tactics. If you want to do a classical reasoning step, use the classic
axiom to prove the right part with the assumption that the left part of the disjunction is false.
Coq < Goal forall A B : Prop, A -> A \/ B.
1 subgoal
forall A B : Prop, A -> A \/ B
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
A : Prop
B : Prop
H : A
A \/ B
Unnamed_thm < left.
1 subgoal
A : Prop
B : Prop
H : A
Unnamed_thm < assumption.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
An example using classical reasoning:
Coq < Require Import Classical.
Coq < Ltac classical_right :=
match goal with
| _:_ |-?X1 \/ _ => (elim (classic X1);intro;[left;trivial|right])
classical_right is defined
Coq < Ltac classical_left :=
match goal with
| _:_ |- _ \/?X1 => (elim (classic X1);intro;[right;trivial|left])
classical_left is defined
Coq < Goal forall A B:Prop, (~A -> B) -> A \/ B.
1 subgoal
forall A B : Prop, (~ A -> B) -> A \/ B
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
A : Prop
B : Prop
H : ~ A -> B
A \/ B
Unnamed_thm < classical_right.
1 subgoal
A : Prop
B : Prop
H : ~ A -> B
H0 : ~ A
Unnamed_thm < auto.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Use some theorem or assumption or introduce the quantified variable in the context using the intro
tactic. If there are several variables you can use the intros
tactic. A good habit is to provide names for these variables: Coq will do it anyway, but such automatic naming decreases legibility and robustness.
If the universally quantified assumption matches the goal you can use the apply
tactic. If it is an
equation you can use the rewrite
tactic. Otherwise you can use the specialize
tactic to instantiate
the quantified variables with terms. The variant assert(Ht := H t)
makes a copy of assumption H
before instantiating it.
Use some theorem or assumption or exhibit the witness using the exists
Coq < Goal exists x:nat, forall y, x + y = y.
1 subgoal
exists x : nat, forall y : nat, x + y = y
Unnamed_thm < exists 0.
1 subgoal
forall y : nat, 0 + y = y
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
y : nat
0 + y = y
Unnamed_thm < auto.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Just use the apply
Coq < Lemma mylemma : forall x, x + 0 = x.
1 subgoal
forall x : nat, x + 0 = x
mylemma < auto.
No more subgoals.
mylemma < Qed.
mylemma is defined
Coq < Goal 3 + 0 = 3.
1 subgoal
3 + 0 = 3
Unnamed_thm < apply mylemma.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
You can use the contradiction
or intuition
Just use the reflexivity
Coq < Goal forall x, 0 + x = x.
1 subgoal
forall x : nat, 0 + x = x
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
x : nat
0 + x = x
Unnamed_thm < reflexivity.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Just use the intro
Just use the destruct c as (a,...,b)
As with conjunctive hypotheses, you can use the destruct
tactic or the intros
tactic to decompose
them into several hypotheses.
Coq < Require Import Arith.
Coq < Goal forall x, (exists y, x * y = 1) -> x = 1.
1 subgoal
forall x : nat, (exists y : nat, x * y = 1) -> x = 1
Unnamed_thm < intros x [y H].
1 subgoal
x, y : nat
H : x * y = 1
x = 1
Unnamed_thm < apply mult_is_one in H.
1 subgoal
x, y : nat
H : x = 1 /\ y = 1
x = 1
Unnamed_thm < easy.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Just use the symmetry
Coq < Goal forall x y : nat, x = y -> y = x.
1 subgoal
forall x y : nat, x = y -> y = x
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
x : nat
y : nat
H : x = y
y = x
Unnamed_thm < symmetry.
1 subgoal
x : nat
y : nat
H : x = y
x = y
Unnamed_thm < assumption.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Just use the symmetry in
Coq < Goal forall x y : nat, x=y -> y=x.
1 subgoal
forall x y : nat, x = y -> y = x
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
x : nat
y : nat
H : x = y
y = x
Unnamed_thm < symmetry in H.
1 subgoal
x : nat
y : nat
H : y = x
y = x
Unnamed_thm < assumption.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
My goal would be solvable using apply;assumption
if it would not create meta-variables, how can I prove it?
You can use eapply yourtheorem;eauto
but it won't work in all cases! (for example if more than one hypothesis matches one of the subgoals generated by eapply
) so you should rather use try solve [eapply yourtheorem;eauto]
, otherwise some metavariables may be incorrectly instantiated.
Coq < Lemma trans : forall x y z : nat, x=y -> y=z -> x=z.
1 subgoal
forall x y z : nat, x = y -> y = z -> x = z
trans < intros.
1 subgoal
x, y, z : nat
H : x = y
H0 : y = z
x = z
trans < transitivity y;assumption.
No more subgoals.
trans < Qed.
trans is defined
Coq < Goal forall x y z : nat, x=y -> y=z -> x=z.
1 subgoal
forall x y z : nat, x = y -> y = z -> x = z
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
x, y, z : nat
H : x = y
H0 : y = z
x = z
Unnamed_thm < eapply trans;eauto.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Coq < Goal forall x y z t : nat, x=y -> x=t -> y=z -> x=z.
1 subgoal
forall x y z t : nat, x = y -> x = t -> y = z -> x = z
Unnamed_thm0 < intros.
1 subgoal
x, y, z, t : nat
H : x = y
H0 : x = t
H1 : y = z
x = z
Unnamed_thm0 < eapply trans;eauto.
1 subgoal
x, y, z, t : nat
H : x = y
H0 : x = t
H1 : y = z
t = z
Unnamed_thm0 < Undo.
1 subgoal
x, y, z, t : nat
H : x = y
H0 : x = t
H1 : y = z
x = z
Unnamed_thm0 < eapply trans.
2 subgoals
x, y, z, t : nat
H : x = y
H0 : x = t
H1 : y = z
x = ?y
subgoal 2 is:
?y = z
Unnamed_thm0 < apply H.
1 subgoal
x, y, z, t : nat
H : x = y
H0 : x = t
H1 : y = z
y = z
Unnamed_thm0 < auto.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm0 < Qed.
Unnamed_thm0 is defined
Coq < Goal forall x y z t : nat, x=y -> x=t -> y=z -> x=z.
1 subgoal
forall x y z t : nat, x = y -> x = t -> y = z -> x = z
Unnamed_thm1 < intros.
1 subgoal
x, y, z, t : nat
H : x = y
H0 : x = t
H1 : y = z
x = z
Unnamed_thm1 < eapply trans;eauto.
1 subgoal
x, y, z, t : nat
H : x = y
H0 : x = t
H1 : y = z
t = z
Unnamed_thm1 < Undo.
1 subgoal
x, y, z, t : nat
H : x = y
H0 : x = t
H1 : y = z
x = z
Unnamed_thm1 < try solve [eapply trans;eauto].
1 subgoal
x, y, z, t : nat
H : x = y
H0 : x = t
H1 : y = z
x = z
Unnamed_thm1 < eapply trans.
2 subgoals
x, y, z, t : nat
H : x = y
H0 : x = t
H1 : y = z
x = ?y
subgoal 2 is:
?y = z
Unnamed_thm1 < apply H.
1 subgoal
x , y, z, t : nat
H : x = y
H0 : x = t
H1 : y = z
y = z
Unnamed_thm1 < auto.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm1 < Qed.
Unnamed_thm1 is defined
My goal is solvable by some lemma within a set of lemmas and I don't want to remember which one, how can I prove it?
You can use what is called a "hints' base".
Coq < Require Import ZArith.
Coq < Require Ring.
Coq < Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Coq < Lemma toto1 : 1 + 1 = 2.
1 subgoal
1 + 1 = 2
toto1 < ring.
No more subgoals.
toto1 < Qed.
toto1 is defined
Coq < Lemma toto2 : 2 + 2 = 4.
1 subgoal
2 + 2 = 4
toto2 < ring.
No more subgoals.
toto2 < Qed.
toto2 is defined
Coq < Lemma toto3 : 2 + 1 = 3.
1 subgoal
2 + 1 = 3
toto3 < ring.
No more subgoals.
toto3 < Qed.
toto3 is defined
Coq < Hint Resolve toto1 toto2 toto3 : mybase.
Coq < Goal 2+(1+1)=4.
1 subgoal
2 + (1 + 1) = 4
Unnamed_thm < auto with mybase.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Use the assumption
Coq < Goal 1 = 1 -> 1 = 1.
1 subgoal
1 = 1 -> 1 = 1
Unnamed_thm < intro.
1 subgoal
H : 1 = 1
1 = 1
Unnamed_thm < assumption.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Use the exact
Coq < Goal 1 = 1 -> 1 = 1 -> 1 = 1.
1 subgoal
1 = 1 -> 1 = 1 -> 1 = 1
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
H : 1 = 1
H0 : 1 = 1
1 = 1
Unnamed_thm < exact H0.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
What is the difference between applying one hypothesis or another in the context of the last question?
From a proof point of view it is equivalent but if you want to extract a program from your proof, the two hypotheses can lead to different programs.
Just use the tauto
Coq < Goal forall A B:Prop, A -> (A \/ B) /\ A.
1 subgoal
forall A B : Prop, A -> (A \/ B) /\ A
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
A : Prop
B : Prop
H : A
(A \/ B) /\ A
Unnamed_thm < tauto.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Just use the semi-decision tactic firstorder
Just use the congruence
Coq < Goal forall a b c d e, a = d -> b = e -> c + b = d -> c + e = a.
1 subgoal
forall a b c d e : Z, a = d -> b = e -> c + b = d -> c + e = a
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
a, b, c, d, e : Z
H : a = d
H0 : b = e
H1 : c + b = d
c + e = a
Unnamed_thm < congruence.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Just use the congruence
Coq < Goal forall a b c d, a <> d -> b = a -> d = c + b -> b <> c + b.
1 subgoal
forall a b c d : Z, a <> d -> b = a -> d = c + b -> b <> c + b
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
a, b, c, d : Z
H : a <> d
H0 : b = a
H1 : d = c + b
b <> c + b
Unnamed_thm < congruence.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Just use the ring
Coq < Require Import ZArith.
Coq < Require Ring.
Coq < Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Coq < Goal forall a b : Z, (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + 2 * a * b + b * b.
1 subgoal
forall a b : Z, (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + 2 * a * b + b * b
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
a, b : Z
(a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + 2 * a * b + b * b
Unnamed_thm < ring.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Just use the field
Coq < Require Import Reals.
Coq < Require Ring.
Coq < Local Open Scope R_scope.
Coq < Goal forall a b : R, b * a <> 0 -> (a / b) * (b / a) = 1.
1 subgoal
forall a b : R, b * a <> 0 -> a / b * (b / a) = 1
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
a, b : R
H : b * a <> 0
a / b * (b / a) = 1
Unnamed_thm < field.
1 subgoal
a, b : R
H : b * a <> 0
a <> 0 /\ b <> 0
Unnamed_thm < split ; auto with real.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
My goal is an inequality on integers in Presburger's arithmetic (an expression built from +
, -
, constants and variables), how can I prove it?
Coq < Require Import ZArith.
Coq < Require Omega.
Coq < Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Coq < Goal forall a : Z, a > 0 -> a + a > a.
1 subgoal
forall a : Z, a > 0 -> a + a > a
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
a : Z
H : a > 0
a + a > a
Unnamed_thm < omega.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
My goal is an equation solvable using equational hypothesis on some ring (e.g. natural numbers), how can I prove it?
You need the gb
tactic (see Loïc Pottier's homepage).
If you want to use forward reasoning (first proving the fact and then using it) you just need to use the assert
tactic. If you want to use backward reasoning (proving your goal using an assumption and then proving the assumption) use the cut
Coq < Goal forall A B C D : Prop, (A -> B) -> (B -> C) -> A -> C.
1 subgoal
forall A B C : Prop, Prop -> (A -> B) -> (B -> C) -> A -> C
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
A, B, C, D : Prop
H : A -> B
H0 : B -> C
H1 : A
Unnamed_thm < assert (A -> C).
2 subgoals
A, B, C, D : Prop
H : A -> B
H0 : B -> C
H1 : A
A -> C
subgoal 2 is:
Unnamed_thm < intro;apply H0;apply H;assumption.
1 subgoal
A, B, C, D : Prop
H : A -> B
H0 : B -> C
H1 : A
H2 : A -> C
Unnamed_thm < apply H2.
1 subgoal
A, B, C, D : Prop
H : A -> B
H0 : B -> C
H1 : A
H2 : A -> C
Unnamed_thm < assumption.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
Coq < Goal forall A B C D : Prop, (A -> B) -> (B -> C) -> A -> C.
1 subgoal
forall A B C : Prop, Prop -> (A -> B) -> (B -> C) -> A -> C
Unnamed_thm0 < intros.
1 subgoal
A, B, C, D : Prop
H : A -> B
H0 : B -> C
H1 : A
Unnamed_thm0 < cut (A -> C).
2 subgoals
A, B, C, D : Prop
H : A -> B
H0 : B -> C
H1 : A
(A -> C) -> C
subgoal 2 is:
A -> C
Unnamed_thm0 < intro.
2 subgoals
A, B, C, D : Prop
H : A -> B
H0 : B -> C
H1 : A
H2 : A -> C
subgoal 2 is:
A -> C
Unnamed_thm0 < apply H2;assumption.
1 subgoal
A, B, C, D : Prop
H : A -> B
H0 : B -> C
H1 : A
A -> C
Unnamed_thm0 < intro;apply H0;apply H;assumption.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm0 < Qed.
Unnamed_thm0 is defined
You can use cut
followed by intro
or you can use the following Ltac command:
Ltac assert_later t := cut t;[intro|idtac].
These two commands perform type checking, but when Defined
is used the new definition is set as transparent, otherwise it is defined as opaque (see this section of the Glossary).
You can use its info
variant: info_auto, info_trivial, info_eauto.
You can increase the depth of the proof search or add some lemmas in the base of hints. Perhaps you
may need to use eauto
This is the same tactic as auto
, but it relies on eapply
instead of apply
You can use info auto
to replace auto
by the tactics it generates. You can split your hint bases into
smaller ones.
Currently there are no equivalent tactic for classical logic. You can use Gödel's "not not" translation.
If one of your hypothesis (say H
) states that the terms are equal you can use the rewrite
tactic. Otherwise you can use the replace with
You can use the rewrite in
You can use the unfold
You can use the simpl
You can use the set
or pose
You can use the case
or destruct
You may want to use the (now standard) case_eq
tactic. See page 159 of the book Coq’Art.
When you use the intro
tactic you don't have to give a name to your hypothesis. If you do so the name will be generated by Coq but your scripts may be less robust. If you add some hypothesis to your theorem (or change their order), you will have to change your proof to adapt to the new names.
You can use the Show Intro
or Show Intros
commands to generate the names and use your editor to generate a fully named intro
tactic. This can be automatized within xemacs
Coq < Goal forall A B C : Prop, A -> B -> C -> A /\ B /\ C.
1 subgoal
forall A B C : Prop, A -> B -> C -> A /\ B /\ C
Unnamed_thm < Show Intros.
A B C H H0 H1
Unnamed_thm < (* A B C H H0 H1 *)
intros A B C H H0 H1.
1 subgoal
A, B, C : Prop
H : A
H0 : B
H1 : C
A /\ B /\ C
Unnamed_thm < repeat split;assumption.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
You need to use the proof with T
command and add ...
at the end of your sentences. For instance:
Coq < Goal forall A B C : Prop, A -> B /\ C -> A /\ B /\ C.
1 subgoal
forall A B C : Prop, A -> B /\ C -> A /\ B /\ C
Unnamed_thm < Proof with assumption.
1 subgoal
forall A B C : Prop, A -> B /\ C -> A /\ B /\ C
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
A, B, C : Prop
H : A
H0 : B /\ C
A /\ B /\ C
Unnamed_thm < split...
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
You need to use the try
and solve
tactics. For instance:
Coq < Require Import ZArith.
Coq < Require Ring.
Coq < Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Coq < Goal forall a b c : Z, a + b = b + a.
1 subgoal
forall a b : Z, Z -> a + b = b + a
Unnamed_thm < Proof with try solve [ring].
1 subgoal
forall a b : Z, Z -> a + b = b + a
Unnamed_thm < intros...
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
You can use the generalize
Coq < Goal forall A B : Prop, A -> B -> A /\ B.
1 subgoal
forall A B : Prop, A -> B -> A /\ B
Unnamed_thm < intros.
1 subgoal
A, B : Prop
H : A
H0 : B
A /\ B
Unnamed_thm < generalize H.
1 subgoal
A, B : Prop
H : A
H0 : B
A -> A /\ B
Unnamed_thm < intro.
1 subgoal
A, B : Prop
H : A
H0 : B
H1 : A
A /\ B
Unnamed_thm < auto.
No more subgoals.
Unnamed_thm < Qed.
Unnamed_thm is defined
One of the hypotheses is an equality between a variable and some term. I want to get rid of this variable, how can I do it?
You can use the subst
tactic. This will rewrite the equality everywhere and clear the assumption.
You should use the eapply
tactic, this will generate some goals containing metavariables.
Just use the instantiate
The pattern
tactic transforms the current goal, performing beta-expansion on all the applications featuring this tactic's argument. For instance, if the current goal includes a subterm phi(t)
, then pattern t
transforms the subterm into (fun x:A => phi(x)) t
. This can be useful when apply
fails on matching, to abstract the appropriate terms.
For people that are interested in proof rendering, assert
, pose
, and cut
are not rendered the same as generalize
(see the HELM experimental rendering tool at, link HELM, link COQ Online). Indeed, generalize
builds a beta-expanded term while assert
, pose
and cut
use a let-in.
So this:
(* Goal is T *)
generalize (H1 H2).
(* Goal is A->T *)
... a proof of A->T ...
is rendered into something like:
(h) ... the proof of A->T ...
we proved A->T
(h0) by (H1 H2) we proved A
by (h h0) we proved T
(* Goal is T *)
assert q := (H1 H2).
(* Goal is A *)
... a proof of A ...
(* Goal is A |- T *)
... a proof of T ...
is rendered into something like:
(q) ... the proof of A ...
we proved A
... the proof of T ...
we proved T
Otherwise said, generalize
is not rendered in a forward-reasoning way, while assert
You can state explicitly what this implicit argument is. See below.
Just use A:=term
where A
is the argument. For instance, if you want to use the existence of "nil" on nat*nat
exists (nil (A:=(nat*nat))).
You can use the Focus
command to concentrate on some goal. When the goal is proved you will see the remaining goals.
You can use the Move ... after
You can use the Rename ... into
You can use the clear
You can use the Admitted
command to state your current proof as an axiom. You can use the give_up
tactic to omit a portion of a proof.
You can use the Admitted
command to state your current proof as an axiom.
From Coq's point of view there is no difference. But some tools can behave differently when you use a lemma rather than a theorem. For instance, coqdoc
will not generate documentation for the lemmas within your development.
You can organize your proofs using the section mechanism of Coq. Have a look at the manual for further information.