Coq Call 2025 02 25 - coq/coq GitHub Wiki
- Chairman: Nicolas Tabareau
- Secretary: Pierre Roux
- Attending: Gaëtan Gilbert, Guillaume Melquiond, Pierre-Marie Pédrot, Pierre Roux, Matthieu Sozeau, Nicolas Tabarau, Enrico Tassi, Théo Zimmermann
- Rocq 9.0
- mostly waiting for changelog PR
- no major issue reported otherwise
- changelog should be feasible during the week
- would be nice that a few people get a last look on the website and notice missing things
- long term plans to use alectryon (hopefully ported to vscoq-language-server next summer) for refman
- questions about renaming on github and website (not blocker for tagging release)
- for website: would be convenient to retrieve logs of 404 errors to discover broken links
- CI upload install dir instead of build dir #19925
- avoid reinstalling things over and over (and sometimes redoing other things like coqchk in compcert)
- needs update of minimizer
- saves a bit of disk usage
- but main reason: being more principled
- conclusion: ping Jason for minimizer before merging
- in Switzerland (EPFL)? week 26 from 23 to 27th June? or 30th June to 4th of July?
- maybe rather in Paris (INRIA) and next year in Switzerland (somewhat closer to ETAPS in Torino, Italy)?