Virtualization with libvirt, qemu and kvm - coopdevs/handbook GitHub Wiki

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To make that creating virtual machines in qemu is almost as easy as devenv project does with linux containers.

Host OS where this focused on

  • Debian 9 and 10
  • Ubuntu 18.04

General references


  • kvm: linux kernel suport for hardware virtualization of Intel VT-x and ARM's SVM
  • qemu: emulator and virtualizer that can use kvm for near-real performance.
  • libvirt: suite of tools to manage qemu, xen, lxc and saving vm settings such as granted memory and number of cpus, disks, etc.
    • domain: libvirt's generic word for vm, container, or whatever.
    • connection: as libvirt only uses engines to virtualize, it must "connect" to them to start, stop, etc.
    • libvirtd: the server side daemon component of the libvirt virtualization management system. Below programs are clients of it.
    • virsh: libvirt shell. It autocompletes, has internal history, useful helps, etc. Nice!
    • virt-manager: GUI with a feeling of Virtualbox. User friendly.
    • virt-install: creates a configuration file for a new "domain" and starts it.
    • virt-admin: don't know, we are not using it

Check for hardware virtualization

Intel and AMD will show different flags to announce hardware virtualization support. Both are used by KVM, Xen and others to do a "full virtualization", that is, hardware based and not software based.

As they show in, we have compatible hardware.

egrep -q 'vmx|svm' /proc/cpuinfo &&
echo "Hardware virtualization is supported" ||
echo "Hardware virtualization is NOT supported"

There are secondary flags as explained in the already referenced article.

Install packages from repos. Other distros may have different package names.

apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-clients libvirt-daemon-system virt-manager

Download the desired guest OS image

We chose to use "cloud" images because they are in qcow2 format, qemu's native format. At the same time, it's used on public clouds, so it may ease moving between environments (local and remote).

As of June 2019, we are using Ubuntu in most of our deployments

Prepare permissions

To be able to run and manage vm's with non-root user, we need to ensure that our user joins a couple of additional groups, that the daemon runs from the desired user/group and the property of a file. This should fix any "permission denied" when trying to connect or run a vm or "domain".


# as root
adduser $USER libvirt
adduser $USER libvirt-qemu


Create a local config file with this content:

# ~/.local/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
user = "<youruser>"
group = "libvirt-qemu"

KVM device

sudo chown :kvm /dev/kvm


Create a local directory for images. We prefer it this way, but the default directory is /var/lib/libvirt/images.

chown $USER:libvirt-qemu .local/var/lib/libvirt/images/
chmod 770 .local/var/lib/libvirt/images/

Configure credentials for the cloud image

You can skip this step if you downloaded a regular USB installation image.

Cloud-init is a standard that "handles early initialization of a cloud instance", setting up from user and groups, to execution of chef and puppet recipes. However, we only want to change the default and unknown password to another one. Think if it's more convenient in your case to set up an ssh key.

Cloud init is also a service that is installed by default at cloud images. It checks for external media (virtual or not) at start up, and if it finds devices such as CD-ROM suitable to its format, it will apply the recorded configuration.

We will need an official tool to convert text config files to CD-ROM image.

# as root
apt install cloud-image-utils

To configure an SSH certificate login, create this file:

cat << EOF > cloud-init.conf
  - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAGEA3FSyQwBI6Z+THISisANexampleXlukKoUPND/RRClWz2s5TCzIkd3Ou5+Cyz71X0XmazM3l5WgeErvtIwQMyT1KjNoMhoJMrJnWqQPOt5Q8zWd9qG7PBl9+eiH5qV7NZ mykey@host

But if you prefer a password login:

cat << EOF > cloud-init.conf
password: unsafepassword
chpasswd: { expire: False } 
ssh_pwauth: True

Once we've got the config file, only remains converting it to CD image.

cloud-localds cloud-init.img cloud-init.conf
cp cloud-init.img ~/.local/var/lib/libvirt/images/

Resize the qemu image

Before to create the vm we need resize the qcow2 image with the next command:

$ sudo qemu-img resize bionic-server-test.img 10G

With this command, we resize the qemu image to 10Gb. We can add space or set the total amount. In this case, we specify the total amount of the disk.

Gather all pieces together: create the "domain" for libvirt

As qemu by itself doesn't store vm's description and settings, libvirt does this job for us. We can use a one shot virt-install command or use the convenient GUI.

Through the GUI

  1. run virt-manager
  2. Check that there's a "connection" with QEMU/KVM. If it's listed, that's it.
  3. Create new "domain"
  4. Select "Import from an existing image", then and select your downloaded qcow2 image
  5. Select the default option for network: "Network NAT"
  6. Start.
  7. Add new hardware → Storage → select an existing image: the cloud-init.img ; device type: cd-rom → Apply/save/end
  8. Restart vm

Alternatively, via cli:

Collect and substitute at the command below:

  • path to your desired guest OS image file
  • path to your compiled cloud init config file

And decide the name you want to give to your domain. It's the one virsh uses to reference it, both in printed info and in input commands such as shutdown ubuntu-bionic and domstats ubuntu-bionic.


virt-install \
 --name ubuntu-bionic \
 --memory 4000 \
 --vcpus 2 \
 --import \
 --disk path="$PATH_TO_ISO,format=qcow2,bus=virtio,size=10" \
 --disk path="$PATH_TO_CONFIG,device=cdrom" \
 --network bridge=virbr0,model=virtio \
 --os-type=linux \
 --os-variant=ubuntu18.04 \
 --connect qemu:///system \


If your host OS is Debian 9, in the --os-variant you need to define the value as ubuntubionic instead of ubuntu18.04.


If you want to use other images as guest OS, it's important to change the os-type and os-variant due to customizations and optimizations. For a list of compatible os-variants, install the libosinfo-bin package and then run osinfo-query os. Source with more tips

Connect via network

Once started, your vm should have received an IP address. You can obtain it by:

  • GUI: Go to the details page of your domain, click at the NIC icon, see the IP addr below the MAC addr.
  • CLI: virsh -c qemu:///system domifaddr ubuntu-bionic --interface vnet0.


If you have any issue with this, visit the libvirt wiki

If you wish, you can give it a hostname like ubuntu.local. If the IP addr you discovered is, do:

echo '   ubuntu.local' | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

And then you can ssh into it, either with password

or with certificate (for example, id_rsa under ssh's dir)

ssh [email protected] -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa


Set qcow2 image size at install time

We expect that with the argument size=10 in the --dick declarations we have 10G available inside the vm, but for any unknown reason, we don't have all these space and when we try to deploy the OC application, it fails because the vm disk is full...

We ask in

By now, we have a work around using the GParter ISO image to modify the disk space inside the vm:

  1. Modify the virtual space reserved by libvirt:
qemu-img resize /path/to/image 10G

This command resize the qemu image to 10Gb.

  1. With the virt-manage add the GParter ISO in a CDROM and use the boot loader to select the GParter image as first.

  2. Reboot the VM.

  3. Use GParter to resize the disk to use the unassigned space inside the VM.

  4. Shutdown the VM and remove the GParter CDROM.

Troubleshooting slow start

El paquet cloud-init està instaŀlat a la màquina host. El primer cop està bé que hi sigui, perquè ens permet canviar configuració, però després molestarà molt perquè ralenteix una barbaritat l'arrencada. Systemd calcula quant ha trigat cada servei en cadena:

There may be cases where cloud-init delays the OS booting a long time. The first time, when the config device is attached, it won't delay and it will just work. However, in subsequent vm boots, we may find ourselves with this:

ferran@debian:~$ sudo systemd-analyze blame
    4min 34.162s cloud-init.service
          1.513s cloud-init-local.service
           922ms cloud-config.service
           840ms docker.service
           625ms cloud-final.service
           467ms dev-vda1.device
           226ms networking.service
           186ms ntp.service
           146ms ssh.service
           116ms systemd-udevd.service
           108ms systemd-journald.service
           100ms systemd-journal-flush.service
           100ms systemd-udev-trigger.service

This is cloud-init staring at the clouds instead of saying "no config device here, my job's done!". Therefore we can either disable the service with sudo systemctl disable cloud-init or safely uninstall the package with sudo apt purge cloud-init.

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