Grafana Cloud Glossary - coopdevs/handbook GitHub Wiki

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Metric name

metric name refers to a measured feature of the system such as node_cpu_guest_seconds_total.


Labels identify particular instances of a metric name such as cpu="0",mode="nice".

Time Series

A time series is the list of datapoints (or samples) of the same metric name and set of label name/value pairs. Following the example above node_cpu_guest_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="nice"} identifies time series.

Said expression has a temporal dimension. The node CPU guest second total metric given that CPU and mode will have lots of samples. Prometheus query language then allows to specify a time range as node_cpu_guest_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="nice"}[5m] where the result is the time series of that metric and labels in the last 5 minutes.


This list has 1 metric and 4 time series.

As a consequence, a datapoint (or sample) has a metric name, a set of label name/value pairs, a timestamp (milliseconds since Unix epoch), and a value (64 bits float number). These are exactly each of the lines Prometheus endpoints expose as text.

node_cpu_guest_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="nice"} 0
node_cpu_guest_seconds_total{cpu="0",mode="user"} 0
node_cpu_guest_seconds_total{cpu="1",mode="nice"} 0
node_cpu_guest_seconds_total{cpu="1",mode="user"} 0

This list has 1 metric and 4 datapoints. Note that the last value in the line is the particular value for that metric at that moment in time.

In Prometheus Query Examples you'll find an in-depth explanation of all this through its query capabilities.

Active Series

In the context of Grafana Cloud, an active series is one that you are actively sending datapoints to. When you stop updating a time-series, it is no longer considered "active" for billing purposes.

At each billing cycle, they compute the 95th percentile of the number of active series in the billing period.